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ANKARA: French Lower House Approves Armenia Bill

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  • ANKARA: French Lower House Approves Armenia Bill

    Dec 22 2011

    The bill is expected to put France on a collision course with Turkey,
    a strategic ally and trading partner.

    The lower house of the French parliament voted on Thursday in favor
    of a bill on Armenian allegations on 1915 incidents, ignoring massive
    Turkish protests against the measure.

    The bill is expected to put France on a collision course with Turkey,
    a strategic ally and trading partner.

    Turkey says the conflict occurred nearly 100 years ago should be left
    to historians.

    The bill sets a punishment of up to one year in prison and a fine
    of 45,000 euros ($59,000) for those who have different views on
    the incidents.

    About 50 lawmakers were present during the debates on the bill.

    The majority of the lawmakers, including Patrick Ollier, the government
    minister in charge of relations with parliament who addressed the
    session on behalf of the government, opposed an amendment proposal
    which said academic and scientific studies on history should be exempt
    from punishment set by the bill. The amendment proposal was eventually
    withdrawn by the lawmaker who presented it.

    The measure now needs to be passed in the senate, the upper house of
    parliament, to go into effect.

    Turkey, which vehemently rejects the term "genocide," has campaigned
    to get France to abandon the legislation, threatening to withdraw
    its ambassador and warning of "grave consequences" to economic and
    political ties.

    "Laws voted in this chamber cannot be dictated by Ankara," said
    Jean-Christophe Lagarde, a deputy from the New Center party, as Turks
    demonstrated outside the National Assembly ahead of the vote.

    President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative government backed the measure
    despite warnings of Turkey.
