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French Bill Re-Opens Old Wounds With Turkey

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  • French Bill Re-Opens Old Wounds With Turkey


    BBC News
    By Jonathan Marcus

    A man waves a Turkish flag as he takes part in a rally in front of
    the French Consulate in Istanbul The revived French proposal has
    angered Turks
    Continue reading the main story


    * Press review
    * Q&A: Armenian genocide dispute

    In 1915, the French Navy evacuated Armenian refugees from the Turkish
    coast to save them from almost certain death.

    Nearly 100 years later, France and Turkey are again on opposite sides
    with the Armenians' fate, once again, the bone of contention.

    The French National Assembly has decided that denying the Armenian
    genocide should henceforth be a crime.

    The draft law must now be debated by the upper house - the Senate.

    This is, of course, one of the most contentious issues in modern
    Turkish history. There is little doubt that huge numbers of Armenians
    were displaced and killed both during and after World War I.

    Where Turkey and its critics disagree, is on the extent to which this
    was organised persecution and there are also disagreements about the
    overall scale of the tragedy.


    It was an episode that evoked great passions in the Christian West,
    with journalists, clergymen and travel writers all eager to champion
    the Armenian cause.

    Members of the French National Assembly vote on the genocide bill Some
    commentators suggested that the bill is timed ahead of Mr Sarkozy's
    election campaign

    Clearly, it still evokes strong feelings. The French political debate
    has been variously characterised as an attempt to protect the memory
    of a terrible period at the start of the 20th century; a travesty
    of history; an electoral manoeuvre; or perhaps even a thinly-veiled
    attempt to distance Turkey from the European Union's doors.

    There's no doubting that the Turkish government is upset. It has
    recalled its ambassador from Paris.

    The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that the
    French parliament has opened up wounds that will be difficult to heal.

    For now, Turkey is cancelling all economic, political and military
    meetings between the two countries.

    French warplanes will not be allowed to land in Turkey and French
    warships will not be welcome at Turkish ports.

    This is an extraordinary step for one Nato ally to take against
    another. While the cancelling of military visits may not present much
    of a problem, the disruption of wider diplomatic contacts between
    Paris and Ankara is much more serious.

    Election manoeuvre?

    Turkey has become a key player in the region and, with crises
    developing in Syria and Iraq, the French - along with other key UN
    Security Council members - need to co-ordinate closely with the Turks.

    No wonder then that there have been so far unconfirmed press reports
    in France suggesting a certain degree of annoyance in the French
    foreign ministry that this draft law came to parliament now.

    Continue reading the main story


    An Armenian woman mourns a dead boy during the deportations in 1915 *
    Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Armenians died during mass deportations
    by Ottoman Turks in 1915-6 * More than 20 countries say it was genocide
    * Turkey and some historians say it was part of widespread turmoil
    in World War I in which Muslims also died * Estimated 500,000 ethnic
    Armenians now in France * Turkey closed Armenia border in 1993 because
    of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh * Turkey signed 2009 deal with Armenia
    to examine 1915 killings and open borders: ratified by neither side

    Some French commentators suggest that there is indeed an electoral
    dimension here.

    With French President Nicolas Sarkozy up for re-election in 2012 he
    is eager to court every constituency, including some 500,000 French
    citizens of Armenian descent.

    The French parliament has a track record of pronouncing on historical
    events, ranging from the Holocaust, to slavery.

    In 2005 there was even an attempt to force French schools to teach
    pupils about "the positive role of the French presence overseas"
    during the colonial era.

    When proposals to sanction anyone denying the Armenian genocide
    first came before the French parliament in 2006, several of France's
    most-respected historians insisted that "in a free country, it was
    not the place of parliament or the courts to define historical truth".

    That first time around the Turks were also very upset. A senior French
    diplomat was despatched to Ankara to reassure them.

    And, in the end, the French Senate rejected the draft law in May
    2011. Nonetheless, this time it may take more than just a bit of
    reassurance to patch up fraying Franco-Turkish ties.
