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National Suicide In Progress

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  • National Suicide In Progress

    By Ara K. Manoogian

    I asked a provocative question at the Armenian National Committee
    (ANC) Grassroots conference, on November 25, 2011, regarding the
    catastrophic proportions of emigration from Armenia, calling it "the
    white genocide of 2011". I made sure to emphasize the controversy of
    the wording, over which members of the Diaspora community appear to
    be divided. I wanted to get more opinions.

    "White genocide", as defined in Wikipedia, is the term Western
    Armenians use to describe assimilation in the West. Until the first
    years of Armenia's independence, it has been referred exclusively to
    the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923.

    However, the mass emigration that followed Armenia's independence was
    often associated with 'white genocide' by the public at large. What
    Eastern Armenians are going to face in the future outside their
    homeland is most probably gradual assimilation. The reality is that
    today about half of the Armenian citizens prefer the prospect of
    non-violent assimilation over a life doomed to poverty, humiliation,
    and injustice in their homeland at the hands of their own government.

    Of all panelists, I directed my question first and foremost to Serj
    Tankian, who has been outspoken about the Genocide of 1915. Below is
    Tankian's answer:

    What's going on in Armenia is not a genocide. But it's very
    tragic. "Genocide" is a very specific term that we have to take
    seriously, otherwise, you know, a lot of people, Genocide scholars
    who know of what's going on... It's a very specific thing. But what's
    going on in Armenia is sad: with people leaving, the corruption,
    the injustice, economic imbalance, which exists in a lot of the
    former Soviet republics that have gained their independence. (Ara
    K. Manoogian's personal archive)

    Even at the metaphorical level, Tankian doesn't appear to see any
    genocidal tendencies in the history of Armenian people beyond the
    Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923. Tankian then began giving excuses
    for the current situation in Armenia: "Armenia is not the only. You
    have to view things in a geopolitical perspective, not just from the
    eyes of an Armenian, obviously." Then he indicated an achievement:
    "The greatest thing about Armenia is there is no fear of speaking the
    truth. You know, that's one thing on our side, which doesn't exist in
    some other post-Soviet republics." Exactly, 'some' other republics,
    but not 'all' the others. So, why not compare Armenia with the other
    republics that have done much better since the fall of the USSR?

    Another panelist also wanted to answer my question regarding the white
    Genocide. Award winning filmmaker, Eric Nazarian, as he justly noted
    in advance, practically echoed whatever Tankian had to say about
    the mass emigration: "You know, it's a schizophrenic time for all
    post-Soviet republics."

    To put it simply, their response means that whatever happens in Armenia
    is normal. All you have to do is look at it from the geopolitical

    When Serj Tankian or Eric Nazarian speak of Armenia's geopolitical
    region, I wonder if they understand all sides of the geopolitical
    perspective themselves. Situated to the north of Armenia, Georgia
    was a lot worse off in 2003 than Armenia and any other former Soviet
    republic. However, this country was able to consolidate its potential
    and get rid of its corrupt regime. Since then, war-torn Georgia has
    made such essential democratic reforms that it has stepped into the
    European Union with one foot. Armenia has Turkey and Azerbaijan as
    enemies; Georgia has the gigantic Russia. Armenia won a war with
    Azerbaijan; Georgia lost three wars: to Abkhazia, South Ossetia
    and, more recently, to Russia. I wonder if Georgians would achieve
    anything had they simply adhered to the convenient excuse of a troubled
    geopolitical region.

    Such opinions are very convenient for the corrupt Armenian
    authorities. Knowing Serj Tankian as an outspoken activist who has
    made critical statements -- no matter how mild and general they were--
    about the Armenian government back in Armenia, it is sad to observe
    that his viewpoint has similarities with that of the traditional
    Armenian Diaspora, which tends to forgive the ills of the Armenian
    authorities, thus giving them a green light for further abuses.

    While Tankian's position could also be viewed not so much as forgiving,
    but rather optimistic about the future, there is a whole army of
    influential Diaspora Armenians advocating forgiveness. Here is a very
    typical statement by Berj Setrakian, President of the AGBU, made at
    the birthday party of Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II in New
    York, on October 12, 2011:

    Comparing to the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union, we are
    the only one, which had three presidential elections. None of the
    presidents tried to stay beyond his term. We had parliamentary
    elections. It's not a perfect system, but it is a better democracy
    which works than in any other Soviet republic. And we should be proud
    of it. There is no doubt that there is corruption.

    Unfortunately, after the fall of the Soviet Union, today corruption
    is something spread all over the world. . So let's
    be a little compassionate. Let's not always be critical of what we
    have. We have a little country; we have our independence.

    I am sure, we can do better. I am sure that our governors can do
    better. But let's take the positive side, because otherwise we'll
    never build a country.


    Again the remedy is in looking at Armenia from a geopolitical
    perspective. However, in this particular example the speaker is so
    incompetent as to compare Armenia to all the post-Soviet republics,
    three of which, the Baltic states, are already full members of
    the European Union. Furthermore, Setrakian lowers the bar to such
    a degree that we should be proud of merely having had presidential
    and parliamentary elections. It no longer matters how fraudulent or
    deadly they have been.

    The slogan for such policy could be 'Don't criticize Armenia, or
    else the enemy will benefit.' It is not criticism that the enemy
    benefits from, but the consequences of the target of that very
    criticism. The enemy benefits from Armenia's bad governance that
    depopulates Armenia, rather than the desperate outbursts of criticism
    intended for preventing mass emigration.

    This policy of forgiveness is a grave punishment for the people of
    Armenia, who do not have the comforts of these Diaspora Armenians to
    sit and patiently wait for the geopolitical climate to improve and
    democratic reforms to evolve.

    That is exactly what another well-known Diaspora Armenian preaches
    in a recent article. In "Excessive Negativism and Constant Attacks
    Jeopardize Armenia's Development," Benon Sevan, former Head of the
    United Nations Oil-for-Food Program, writes:

    Regardless of our impatience and desire to witness a truly democratic
    state of Armenia, we have no alternative to being patient, because
    it takes time to develop democracy, economic and social development,
    and civil society, as well as true democratic reforms.

    (California Courier Online, October 13, 2011. Also, click to read:
    "Response to Benon Sevan's Call to Shut Up")

    How many more years is this standpoint going to dominate over the
    Armenian Diaspora? The average number of schoolchildren in Armenia
    per school was 399 in 2000; it dropped by 35% to 256 in 2010,
    as reported by The Prime Minister rejoices over the
    increase in emigration of the Armenian people who might otherwise
    stay and protest. Vardan Ayvazyan, former Minister of Ecology, Head
    of the Armenian parliament's standing committee on economic issues,
    member of the ruling Republican party of Armenia, has characterized
    the mass emigration as Armenia's economic benefit.

    "A migrant is a type of product," he said on December 16, 2011, as
    reported by Regnum, a migrant Armenia exports and gets paid in the
    form of remittances.

    Denis Donikian is a French-Armenian writer, known for his highly
    critical views about both the Armenian government and the Diaspora.

    And this is what he wrote about this conformist variety of Diaspora

    When Serj Sarkissian instituted himself at the head of the country
    under fraudulent conditions which we knew about, when he threw his
    opponents in jail, when he continues to incarcerate Diasporans who
    have fought for Karabakh, and even denies them Armenian citizenship,
    the representatives of this same Diaspora were never so furious
    and menacing as they are today, when it is "their" Genocide that is
    at stake. As if the dead were more alive for them than the actual
    living. By not supporting the democratic opposition which has been
    screaming all year-long against the absurdities and deafness of
    the Sarkissian regime, by leaving to their fate a countryside that
    has been willingly abandoned, by not denouncing firmly the white
    genocide of economic emigration, the Diaspora should have expected to
    one day receive back the "fair" change for its coin. ("The Armenian
    Diaspora and the Cuckolds of Armenia," by Denis Donikian, October 11,
    2009. Translated from French by Viken Attarian.

    Available at:, and quoted by
    PFA in "Armenia-Diaspora Relations: 20 Years Since Independence")

    But things are changing. About two weeks after the ANC Grassroots
    Conference I learnt about Charles Aznavour's latest attack against the
    corrupt Armenian regime on December 12, 2011. In a press conference
    in Moscow, Charles Aznavour was quoted by as saying:

    My country is now facing an internal genocide. I consider it
    politically unacceptable. Not letting Armenia breathe, the government
    is depriving its own country of youth. They leave. And in that respect,
    the issue has become not just political, but universal.

    It needs urgent solution. ("ШеÑ~@Ñ~Hе Ð"Ñ~O ШаÑ~@Ð"Ñ~L" at

    This was Aznavour's second resounding blow to the Armenian government
    following his scandalous interview to Nouvelles d'Arménie published
    about two months ago (in English at This time he enraged
    the authorities with the taboo word of 'genocide.' It is noteworthy
    that in his interview to Nouvelles d'Arménie, Aznavour advised not
    to concentrate too much on using the word 'genocide' to describe the
    massacres perpetrated by the Turkish government, whereas he chose to
    use that very term to describe the actions of the Armenian government.

    These statements made by Aznavour are especially strong in the context
    of the honors the same authorities had been paying him for many years,
    including the recently opened museum in one of the best locations
    in Yerevan.

    For many years, Charles Aznavour had been the target of Denis
    Donikian's poisonous attacks, because of his loyalty to the
    authorities. What made Aznavour, generally believed to be in bed with
    the authorities, speak about problems created by these very men of
    power? Charles Aznavour, who had turned a blind eye to the brutal
    murder of Poghos Poghosyan, a Georgian citizen of Armenian descent,
    by Robert Kocharyan's security agents back in 2001, now speaks against
    the authorities.

    In any case, I am glad that the honors from the government have
    failed to silence Charles Aznavour's conscience. And I hope other
    celebrities will reconsider their priorities. But before they do,
    a number of Diaspora Armenian intellectuals, such as Ara Toranian,
    editor-in-chief of Nouvelles d'Arménie (Paris), Yeran Kouyoumdjian of
    Azat Khosk, an electronic publication (Nicosia), according to,
    have echoed Charles Aznavour's harsh assessments.

    At the ANC Grassroots Conference, I also asked Serj Tankian to
    comment on accepting the Prime Minister's Memorial Order medal for
    his contribution to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide from
    Tigran Sargsyan, whose poor performance has its significant share of
    responsibility for the present-day massive exodus of Armenians from
    their homeland. Tankian said the following:

    The medal that I received for Genocide awareness... I thought about
    it before receiving it, before getting it. And I had two notions that
    came to mind. First, that he represents the Armenian people. He's
    not just a Prime Minister, as, you know, tattooed on the table.

    Number two: it was a great opportunity to actually get involved and
    speak truth about... (Ara K. Manoogian's personal archive)

    I strongly believe that this honor, like all those conferred upon
    Charles Aznavour, will not prevent Serj Tankian from speaking the
    truth about the authorities for all to hear.

    What the Armenian government does might not be "white
    genocide". However, the mechanism is strikingly similar. The
    authorities' unpopular policies eventually lead people to emigrate
    from Armenia. Settling outside Armenia, they run the risk of being
    subject to whatever the Western Armenians are doomed to, white
    Genocide, a gradual assimilation as the final stage of the Genocide
    of 1915-1923. It sounds more like national suicide.

    For comfort, Serj Tankian advises us to look at the disastrous
    developments in Armenia "not just from the eyes of an Armenian." But
    as long as I fiercely resist the white Genocide that persists in the
    Diaspora, such ability is unattainable for me.

    Ara K. Manoogian is a human rights activist representing the
    Shahan Natalie Family Foundation in Artsakh and Armenia; a Fellow
    of the Washington-based Policy Forum Armenia (PFA); creator of and author of the white paper "To Donate Or
    Not To Donate", an in depth study on the activities of the "Hayastan"
    All-Armenian Fund.
