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Turkey Slams France Over Genocide Debate

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  • Turkey Slams France Over Genocide Debate


    Sacramento Bee
    Dec 23 2011

    ISTANBUL -- Turkey responded to French genocide allegations with
    a charge of its own Friday, accusing France of committing genocide
    during its colonial occupation of Algeria.

    French lawmakers passed a bill Thursday making it a crime to deny that
    the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks constitute genocide.

    The deepening acrimony between two strategic allies and trading
    partners could have repercussions far beyond the settling of accounts
    over some of the bloodiest episodes of the past century.

    Turkey was already frustrated by French opposition to its stalled
    European Union bid, and hopes for Western-backed rapprochement between
    Turkey and Armenia seem ever more distant ahead of 2015, the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian killings.

    The bill strikes at the heart of national honor in Turkey, which
    maintains there was no systematic campaign to kill Armenians and
    that many Turks also died during the chaotic disintegration of the
    Ottoman Empire.

    The French bill still needs Senate approval, but after it passed
    the lower house, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    halted bilateral political and economic contacts, suspended
    military cooperation and ordered his country's ambassador home for

    Turkey and France worked closely together during NATO's operation
    against Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, and had been coordinating
    policy on Syria and Afghanistan.

    "What the French did in Algeria was genocide," Erdogan said Friday in
    a heavily personal speech, laced with criticism of French President
    Nicolas Sarkozy.

    He alleged that beginning in 1945, about 15 percent of the population
    of Algeria was massacred by the French. He also said Algerians were
    burned in ovens.

    "They were mercilessly martyred," he said.

    Erdogan appeared to be referring to allegations that the French burned
    the dead in ovens after a 1945 uprising that began in the Algerian
    town of Setif. Algerians say some 45,000 people may have died. French
    figures say up to 20,000.

    The French bill's passage "is a clear example of how racism,
    discrimination and anti-Muslim sentiment have reached new heights
    in France and in Europe," Erdogan said. "French President Sarkozy's
    ambition is to win an election based on promoting animosity against
    Turks and Muslims."

    France holds presidential elections in April.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the French vote was
    comparable to attempts by Mideast rulers to stifle free speech.

    "Europe has philosophically and ideologically reverted to the Middle
    Ages," Davutoglu said at a conference of Turkish ambassadors in Ankara,
    the capital.

    The French Foreign Ministry said the statements from Turkey were
    unhelpful and below the belt.

    "We deplore the recourse to excess and to personal attacks which are
    not at the level of the stakes or the mutual interest of our ties,"
    a ministry statement said.

    Paris "assumes with lucidity and transparency its duty of memory in
    the face of tragedies which marked its history," the statement said,
    an allusion to France's admission that the state had a role in the
    deportation of Jews to Nazi death camps, and apparently a veiled nod
    to its past in Algeria, which gained independence in 1962 after a
    brutal seven-year war.

    France formally recognized the Armenian killings as genocide in 2001,
    but had previously provided no penalty for anyone refuting that. The
    bill sets a punishment of up to one year in prison and a fine of
    euro45,000 ($59,000) for those who deny or "outrageously minimize"
    the killings, putting such action on par with denial of the Holocaust.

    France is committed to human rights and respect for "historical
    memory," Sarkozy said in Prague, where he was attending the funeral of
    Vaclav Havel, the dissident who became president of the Czech Republic.

    "France doesn't give lessons to anyone, but France also doesn't
    plan on taking them," Sarkozy said in a clip shown on France's LCI
    television. "I respect the convictions of our Turkish friends - it's a
    grand country, a grand civilization - and they must respect ours. To
    cede on one's convictions is always cowardice, and one always ends
    up by paying for cowardice."

    Most historians contend the Ottoman killings of up to 1.5 million
    Armenians constituted the first genocide of the 20th century. But
    the issue is dicey for any government that wants a strong alliance
    with Turkey, a rising power. In Washington, President Barack Obama
    has stopped short of calling the killings genocide.

    The Armenian National Committee of America said the French vote
    "reinforces the growing international consensus - and the mounting
    pressure on Turkey - for a truthful and just resolution of the
    Armenian Genocide."
