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Qualitatively new stage in the int'l recognition of The Genocide

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  • Qualitatively new stage in the int'l recognition of The Genocide

    Qualitatively new stage in the process of international recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide
    24.12.2011 16:53

    Artak Barseghyan

    There were no signs of animation in the process of normalization of
    the Armenian-Turkish relations in the passing year. The protocols
    signed two years ago were not ratified, the border was not opened, no
    diplomatic representations were opened in Yerevan and Ankara.

    There is no Armenian-Turkish dialogue as such, and Turkey's silent
    policy yields no results today. At the same time the progress in the
    process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide incites
    turmoil in Turkey.

    According to expert of Turkish studies Anush Hovhannisyan, the passage
    of the bill in the French National Assembly is Armenia's victory but
    `we should not forget that politics is based on mutual interest. For
    now, interests of Armenia and France meet.'

    `Adoption of the bill is a response to unfulfilled promises by
    Turkey,' Hovhannisyan said.

    Expert of Turkish studies Artak Shakaryan said Turkey is irritated by
    the increased number of Kurds in the Parliament and Res. 306 adopted
    by the US Congress, which calls on Turkey to return the stolen
    Christian property.

    Touching upon the bill passed by the French National Assembly, the
    expert said `it marks a qualitatively new stage in the process of
    international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. France was the
    second country after Switzerland to adopt a law that makes it a crime
    to deny the Armenian Genocide.

    Why doesn't Ankara want to normalize relations with Yerevan? According
    to Artak Shakaryan, `Turks were anticipating progress in the
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict or some pressure that would earn
    them dividends.'
