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Genocide bill responds to Turkey's failure to keep promises - expert

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  • Genocide bill responds to Turkey's failure to keep promises - expert

    Genocide bill responds to Turkey's failure to keep promises - expert

    December 24, 2011 - 14:20 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Adoption of the bill criminalizing denial of the
    Armenian Genocide derived from the failure of Turkish policy towards
    Armenia, a turkologist said.

    According to Anush Hovhannisyan passage of the bill by the French
    National Assembly is Armenia's victory but `we should not forget that
    politics is based on mutual interest. For now, interests of Armenia
    and France meet.'

    Reflecting on Armenian-Turkish relations, the expert said that the
    story with protocols showed that Turkey has no intention to normalize
    relations with Armenia.

    `Adoption of the bill is a response to unfulfilled promises by
    Turkey,' Hovhannisyan said.

    On December 22, French National Assembly passed the bill criminalizing
    the Armenian Genocide denial. The draft law envisages a year in jail
    and a fine of 45,000 euros for those who publicly deny the Armenian
    Genocide in France.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress