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BAKU: 'France is sorry for causing Armenian blood to be spilled'

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  • BAKU: 'France is sorry for causing Armenian blood to be spilled', Azerbaijan
    Dec 22 2011

    'France is sorry for causing Armenian blood to be spilled'
    Thu 22 December 2011 10:30 GMT | 12:30 Local Time

    News.Az interviews Ergun Kirlikovali, president of the Assembly of
    Turkish-American Associations and co-founder of the Pax Turcica

    How will the adoption of the bill on `Armenian genocide' in the lower
    chamber of the French parliament influence the Turkish-French

    I am afraid there will be a wide range of reactions including but not
    limited to diplomatic, economic, business, trade, social in nature.
    Turkey is not the same country it was in 2001, when Turkish reactions
    to France's one sentence law recognizing the "alleged" Armenian
    genocide were measured. Turkey is a regional power on its way to
    becoming a global player with a steadily growing economy and
    strengthening manufacturing sector and exports.

    What is the cause of antipathy of the current leadership of France
    toward Turkey?

    Religious and ethnic bias. Pure and simple. These concepts are well
    documented for America, by Justin McCarthy in his book "Turks In
    America", especially chapter 2, and one needs only to replace the
    words America with France and Protestant with Catholic to see the
    parallels in both societies. Deep rooted anti-Turkish bias is traced
    back to 1096, when Pope Urban II called upon all Christians to join a
    war against the Turks. Thus, the first crusader started from France.
    Most folks got over it over the centuries, but some like Sarkozy, it
    seems, could not. France's role in using the Armenians against Turks
    during 19th and 20th Centuries is well documented. The First World
    War on the Eastern fronts were fought mostly on Ottoman/Turkish soil.

    Turks did not bomb Marseille or Paris; the French bombed Dardanelles
    and Antioch. Turks did not rain death and destruction on the French
    people; the French invaded Turkish soil and rained death and
    destruction on Turks. So who should recognize whose tragedy first?
    Think about it... Turkey's case during WWI may be one of the few
    cases in the world, if not the only case, where the aggressor blames
    the defender, and the villain impugns the victim, the haves accuse the
    have-nots. Armenians took up arms against their own state and joined
    the invading enemy armies.

    What can be lower than that? Turks only defended their home in the
    face of brutal foreign invasions aided by a heinous, treacherous,
    treasonous fifth column involving numerous Armenians. France should
    apologize to Turkey for invading Anatolia, raining death and
    destruction on Turkish people, for dividing the Ottoman society along
    ethno-religious lines, pitting one group against the other, and lying
    about all of this for decades in their official propaganda "yellow

    If one considers these points, one might realize that France has not
    only Turkish blood, but also Armenian blood in her hands. This move by
    the French Parliament might be convoluted way of saying "France is
    sorry for causing Armenian blood to be spilled." These are the
    psychologies people like Sarkozy may be fighting with in their inner
    worlds, whereas Turkish conscience is crystal clear on Turkish
    history. Turks have always been, as France;s own Volatire famously
    said, "moderate in peace and gentle in victory."

    Let's get back to the bill. What can be the Turkish reaction to the
    possible actions of the French law-makers?

    Turkish Airlines (THY) is the fastest growing airlines in the world
    with 170 planes, about half of them Franco-Gerrman Airbus aircraft.
    THY's purchase in the next decade exceed 100 billion dollars. There
    are military contracts totaling more than even that. Mega
    infra-structure projects amount to huge sums. Energy corridor
    investments and implications are there. Turkey-France trade is about
    $17 billion dollars and rising. There are about a thousand French
    companies doing enormous amount of business. Turkey has a young and
    vibrant population which makes it a major market as well as a
    lucrative source of work force for EU.

    As Arab Spring showed, Turkey' importance in geographies ranging from
    the Middle East to North Africa and from Balkans to Caucasus and
    Central Asia is constantly growing. Turkey might decide to stop
    sharing information and insight in this geography and even close its
    airfiled to French aviation, both commercial and military. Some may
    think so what, but if you look at all this from France's point of
    view, France will be the only nuclear power at the United Nations that
    finds itself so deliberately isolated and incomplete. By taking
    tacitly hostile steps against Turkey, although taking care not to
    mention the name of the country, in 2011, 2006, and 2008, and now
    poking its finger into Turkey's eye, France may have actually designed
    its own downfall in this vast geography. At a time when France is
    battling credit-rating downgrade and the country is trying to cope
    with shrinking economy and rising joblessness, this purely political
    move by a politician with shallow grasp of real-politician, i.e.
    Sarkozy, may go down in history as the case of "the man who shot
    himself in the foot."

    How can the actions of the French parliamentarians influence the
    Turkish-Armenian reconciliation?

    French Senate influence on the normalization process of
    Turkish-Armenian relations will be negative. This process, as you
    know, already foresees the formation of a historians commission.
    This in itself means there is a dispute that needs to be sorted out.
    The French Senate seems to say "There is nothing to sort out. This is
    genocide. And that's that. No need to research this further." This
    kind of authoritarian, disciplinarian, and even fascist approach,
    practically ending free speech, at least on this issue, is unbecoming
    to French tradition of democracy. French Senate will be, in effect,
    replacing history scholarship with legislation.

    Can Azerbaijan provide any support to Turkey in resisting campaign of
    Armenian lobby on passing the `genocide' in the parliaments of other

    Azerbaijan and Turkey must act together in all moves concerning
    Armenia, ranging from the alleged genocide to Karabakh and its
    surroundings. The world must see that they cannot separate the two
    countries. Then they will realize that Azerbaijan, with her natural
    energy resources and young and well educated population, and Turkey
    dedicated to its Turkic heritage, a rising regional power, and an
    energy corridor, are inseparable.

    When a country decides to strike at one, they will find both countries
    reacting strongly. That is already happening. We must stay the course
    and pass the message that if you attack one of us, you attack both of
    us. If you attack one of us, that means you will have energy
    problems, regional presence difficulties, and trade and industry
    deficiencies. If you attack one of us, you will pay for it dearly in
    terms of lost markets, investments, and future.

