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BAKU: Study of Erivan fortress's history to benefit Armenian people

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  • BAKU: Study of Erivan fortress's history to benefit Armenian people

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    Dec 23 2011

    Study of Erivan fortress's history to benefit Armenian people

    23 December 2011, 18:30 (GMT+04:00) Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec. 23 / Trend
    M. Aliyev /

    The study of the history of the Erivan fortress will benefit primarily
    the Armenian people because Armenian people live in Yerevan today. I
    distinguish the Armenians from the Armenian nationalists, Head of the
    Caucasian Center at the Russian State Humanities University Ismail
    Agakishiyev said today at a presentation of the historical and
    analytical portal, dedicated to the 500th
    anniversary of Erivan fortress.

    He said that unfortunately, the materials which can not be represented
    outside the Absheron Peninsula appear in Azerbaijan today. It would be
    better if no efforts are made to this.

    "Today, I distinguish Armenian fascism from the Armenian people, as
    well as German fascism from the German people," he said. "We can not
    call Goethe as a fascist, but we call Hitler as a fascist."
    He said that perhaps, every person, including every Azerbaijani, has
    the national feelings.

    "The Azerbaijanis do not forget about their national feelings," he
    said. "They have been always able to have close relations with other
    countries. Academician Likhachev said that nationalism is weakness of
    the nation, rather than strength. "I am glad that such an event took
    place today. One can often hear that the history is not the science.
    One can inscribe anything, any lie in history. I tell these people
    that one can write a false article, a false book and even a lot of
    false books. But they will have no relation to the historical science,
    because, whether we want or do not want, the history is formed on the
    facts irrespective of our consciousness, emotions, power, interests.
    These facts are objective."

    He said that the false articles are called as falsification in
    historical science.
    "Today, I appeal to publicists. Do not write these articles and know
    that historical science, as oppose to other science, requires a lot of
    energy and work. It is necessary to write a treatise on the basis of
    the facts, rather than to make a mosaic. Not everyone can do this.
    While studying at the Moscow State University, we Azerbaijani
    students, saw how the defence of scientific work forced historian -
    professor Farid Mammadov to overcome many obstacles and difficulties.
    Unfortunately, there are these obstacles. They are very significant.
    Why I came here today? I came here because much work was done today.
    We see the website and the materials placed here."

    He said that many large and beautiful buildings are being built in
    Moscow today. But none of them can replace Saint Basil's Cathedral.

    "Today, one can build a great building on the site of St. Basil's
    Cathedral," he said. But how much money would have been spent, this
    building will not be able to replace the cathedral, because it is a
    spiritual value. Today, there are not only mosques in Baku, but
    synagogues, churches. They are also our values. We consider them from
    this point of view. Today, those who blew up the Erivan fortress,
    destroyed the value of the Armenian people. But it showed that,
    besides the Armenians, the representatives of other nations lived in
    Erivan and had relations. The history is not only 1988, 1918 and 1905.
    The history will have not only current but also future processes.
    Let's not stoop to the level of the nationalists. Much work was done.
    This is the foundation of the universal project. I would really like
    professional historians to do their best for broad masses of the
    population to know about these historical facts."
