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ISTANBUL: `A monstrous violation'

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  • ISTANBUL: `A monstrous violation'

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Dec 23 2011

    `A monstrous violation'


    By the time this commentary is out it should be clearer whether
    Turkish-French relations are going to take a nose dive or if a sense
    of reality has prevailed in Paris. The expectation at the time of
    writing was for the worst.

    This commentary is therefore based on the assumption that the bill in
    the French Parliament ` which aims to severely punish anyone denying
    that an Armenian genocide happened ` has passed and is now headed for
    the Senate.

    Even if it is held up in the Senate, this issue will remain a deadly
    virus in ties between Ankara and Paris at a time when level-headed
    French politicians are calling for deeper cooperation with an
    increasingly influential Turkey.

    It is of course highly cynical for the Turkish government to base its
    campaign against France on the tenet of the freedom of expression.
    Looking at the remarks from various ministers one would think Turkey
    has the best record in this regard.

    Let alone those like Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk, who have been legally
    hounded in the past for remarks about the Armenian issue, even current
    events suffice to show where this country stands in this respect. But
    one does not have to be pro-Turkish or anti-Armenian to understand
    that this French attempt amounts to curbing free speech.

    The best proof of this is the editorial in Dec. 21's Los Angeles Times
    (LAT). Pointing to this development in France, the paper said, `If
    stating even an incorrect view of history is a crime, it amounts to
    pre-emptive censorship. The bill should be voted down.'

    This is significant coming from a newspaper out of Los Angeles where
    an influential Armenian community lives. The paper nevertheless
    indicates that what is important here is not Turkish touchiness or
    Ankara's warnings of a diplomatic rupture with countries using the
    term `genocide.'

    `That's not the reason to oppose the bill. The reason the French bill
    deserves condemnation is that it would be a monstrous violation of
    free speech,' it said, adding the following:

    `Some would say that it's presumptuous for Americans to lecture the
    people of a fellow democracy about the rights they accord their
    citizens. But robust freedom of expression isn't some American fetish.
    Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says:
    `Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this
    right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to
    seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and
    regardless of frontiers.''
    The Armenian issue is not as much of a taboo in Turkey as it was a
    mere five years ago. There is a public discussion that may be
    acrimonious at times but which nevertheless goes on with new
    revelations. The Armenian Church in Turkey is currently interacting
    with the government unlike any other time. There are also increasing
    contacts between Turks and Armenians from Armenia today on various

    President Nicolas Sarkozy's political whims also threaten to overturn
    this already difficult trend and restore nationalist feelings of
    enmity between the two nations. Turks say, `It takes one madman to
    throw a stone in a well, but a hundred wise men to try and take it

    Leaving aside his personal hatred for Turkey, which he has never
    hidden, it seems Mr. Sarkozy does not even see the precedent he is
    creating for his own country, which can hardly be said to have the
    cleanest of histories. It's almost as if the ghost of Louis the XV has
    been revived and is saying, `Après moi le deluge.'
