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ISTANBUL: France `remained French'

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  • ISTANBUL: France `remained French'

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Dec 23 2011

    France `remained French'


    No¦ No¦ I did not Google `France' to find out where it was. That would
    have been absurd. France is a great country that has been having
    diplomatic relations with Turkey for centuries. Cultural interactions
    between Turks and French have been immense. Put aside Galatasaray, the
    late Ottoman early republican monumental man of literature Tevfik
    Fikret, as is testified with the many words added to the Turkish
    language, up until the end of World War II French was the dominant
    foreign language in this country and late Ottoman diplomatic
    correspondence was all in the French language rather than Turkish.

    Despite such strong cultural interaction between the two countries and
    peoples, in Turkey there is a rather odd expression: `To remain
    French' vis-a-vis something or some development. What's the meaning?
    Simply, if someone remains indifferent or intentionally refuses to
    acknowledge an important happening, Turks say that person `remained
    French.' Obviously there ought to be some connotation of the
    expression with the `fatuous French' perception.

    Yesterday, by approving the law criminalizing `genocide denial' French
    parliament demonstrated that it could indeed `remain French' to the
    foremost principle of democracy; freedom of thought. How would France
    be able to turn on Turkey and complain of human rights violations in
    this country, while itself has taken a step to blatantly violate
    freedom of opinion, a fundamental right and moved to criminalize
    objections to Armenian charges of genocide? Naturally no one can deny
    the immense sufferings of the peoples of Anatolia ` including
    Armenians, but not only Armenians ` during World War I and the
    dissolution period of the Ottoman Empire? What indeed happened during
    that period ought to be examined by historians as Turkey has been
    suggesting and Armenia has been rejecting, rather than a handful of
    greedy politicians trying to buy Armenian votes. Such laws could of
    course silence in France people who would like to research genocide
    claims. Could they serve any real purpose other than adding even
    further difficulty a process of reconciliation between Turkey and

    The approved law does not have a reference to Armenian claims, but as
    France adopted earlier a parliamentary resolution describing 1915
    events in eastern Anatolia as genocide, this law has angered the
    Turks. The law needs to be approved by the French Senate to enter into
    force. Because of the tight French political schedule it might not
    enter into force by late spring. Whatever, Turks were enraged with the
    development and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an indicated that
    this time Turkish reaction might go further than some impulsive and
    rather symbolic moves aimed mostly at soothing Turkish public outcry.

    This law adopted by a handful of greedy supporters of the little man
    of the Elyse showed in all clarity at the same time that France could
    indeed be held captive by some greedy politicians who would `remain
    French' to the French national interests when at stake are their petty
    political interests.

    If France deserves such politics and politicians, Turkey can as well
    `remain French' to the existence of France.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress