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Tehran: President says "arrogant powers" try to hinder Iran progress

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  • Tehran: President says "arrogant powers" try to hinder Iran progress

    Islamic Republic News Agency
    Dec 23 2011

    President says "arrogant powers" try to hinder Iran's progress

    Yerevan, 23 December: The Islamic Republic of Iran's president, who
    was speaking at a gathering of Iranians living in Armenia, referred to
    the developments and terrorist measures in the region and said: "By
    taking terrorist measures, the arrogant powers try to bring to power
    their own favourite individuals in the region so that to achieve their

    According to a despatch by an IRNA reporter, Mahmud Ahmadinezhad, who
    was speaking on Friday [23 December] at a gathering of Iranians living
    in Armenia, said that the arrogant powers might resort to hype and
    take some measures in the region. He added: "Whenever they see that
    Iran makes a new progress in various fields including scientific,
    economic, and reconstruction arenas, they try to confront Iran and
    hinder such progress."

    He said that the Iranian nation is a great and powerful nation and
    added: "The Iranian nation was able to achieve great success in
    scientific, industrial fields and particularly in nanotechnology while
    misbehaviour by the arrogant powers still continues and they use their
    all power to hinder Iran's progress."

    The president said that the arrogant is aware that Iran plays
    significant role in international developments and said: "The reason
    behind all these pressures against the Iranian nation is that they are
    well aware that a powerful Iran will be able to change all equations
    in the world in favour of nations."

    Ahmadinezhad said that the arrogant powers accuse Iran of terrorism
    and added: "They level such accusations against the Iranian nation
    wile this nation is the cradle of a kind of culture and belief in
    which terror and terrorism has no place."

    The president said: "Those who accuse Iran of terrorism are the ones
    who obtain their livelihood through waging war. They export billions
    of dollars worth of weapons every year and seek war."

    Ahmadinezhad added: "Instead of terror, the Iranian nation present to
    the world logics and culture that are welcomed."

    He said: "Iranians have great responsibility today. In fact, each
    Iranian who is living anywhere in the world should be a role model of
    justice, friendship and service to humankind. This is because such
    things are among the culture and belief of Iranians since the old time
    and will continue to be so."

    [translated from Persian]
