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Jerusalem: The blessings of complexity

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  • Jerusalem: The blessings of complexity

    Jerusalem Post
    Dec 24 2011

    The blessings of complexity
    This is a complex world with many players and numerous conflicts.

    So what else is new?

    In this holiday season when wise commentators summarize what happened,
    what is happening, and what will happen, it is appropriate to remind
    ourselves of the obvious, trivial, and continuing realities.

    We members of the Chosen People with Jerusalem as our eternal capital
    may need such a reminder more than others.

    The world is not entirely about us. And that part of it that does
    focus on us as the essence of all that is good or all that is evil is
    not so powerful or not so fixated on our salvation or destruction.

    This is also the time when I get more than the normal rate of
    e-messages from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Anti-Defamation
    League, and several others telling me about attacks and threats
    against Jews, their role in my defense, and how I can help by buying a
    gift from their on-line store or making a contribution while the tax
    year is still running.

    I'd prefer that the Simon Wiesenthal stop its construction of a Museum
    of Tolerance on a Muslim cemetery, but that is another story I have
    already mentioned more than once.

    Don't get me wrong. Things are not entirely rosy for me and the Jewish
    people. My family has its share of Holocaust stories, and I warn
    visitors not to take a wrong turn into Isaweea.

    I still think that things have not been this good for the Jewish
    people since the death of King Solomon. My late and loved
    father-in-law can no longer remind me that he thought the same as a
    young man in Dusseldorf, but I hear him.

    I know about Iran and other problems, but now is an occasion to focus
    on the myriad of things that complicate this region, and make it
    likely that bad things will happen elsewhere.

    Most prominent on my personal agenda of optimism is France's
    declaration about the Armenian Holocaust.

    We must start with the admission that the issue is more complex than
    the Holocaust carried out by the Germans. The killing of Armenians was
    not the systematic planning, rounding up, transportation, industrial
    slaughter and disposal of the 1940s. Yet it had elements closer to
    that than unorganized ethnic murder, or responses to warfare and the
    unfortunate consequences of forced marches that the Turks claim. See

    The stubborn resistance of Turkish authorities to admit what many view
    as facts have made this a political issue. The French enactment of
    sanctions against those who deny the Armenian Holocaust has caused a
    diplomatic rupture and produced Turkish accusations of an Algerian
    Genocide done by the French.

    The Israeli government continues to resist demands to accept the
    concept of an Armenian Holocaust, despite the presence of a
    substantial Armenian community here, Israel's own history, and its
    current problems with Turkey. Still the official line is silence, with
    comments that the issue is one for historians and not politicians.

    We'll have to see what all this means for Turkey, France, NATO, and
    other issues in the Middle East and elsewhere. It's good to see a
    bigger country on our side, even if I haven't forgotten that misplaced
    condemnation of Israel in the Security Council.

    It reminds me of watching other boys fight in the schoolyard. It's not about me.

    Other events in the same category are explosions in Damascus and Baghdad.

    I do not enjoy hearing of people killed. Not even soldiers of some
    other army, and certainly not civilians of any country.

    These atrocities point to continuing conflict, of kinds that are
    difficult to define: religious, ethnic, political, or more likely a
    mixture of all. They may spill over to affect Israel, but their
    centers are somewhere else. They result from long-simmering hatreds
    between religious and ethnic communities, and/or repressed animosities
    against harsh and unresponsive regimes, perhaps triggered by clumsy
    interventions by Americans concerned to produce democracy. No one
    should risk a reputation by predicting the outcomes for individual
    countries, much less a region-wide shift or drift in one direction or

    It's a time for concern, but too early to head downstairs for the bomb shelter.

    Those assassinations and explosions in Iran also provoke my wonder.
    Each instance is followed by media speculation about Israel, but more
    prominent is a continuing discussion about American and Israeli
    officials hinting in favor or against an outright strike at Iran's
    nuclear facilities. One has to ponder if American, Israeli, or some
    other outside force is already meddling in Iran, with security so
    tight that media personalities are cooperating in a cover-up. Or
    perhaps the Iranians are as clumsy as their reports claim, and the
    explosions are industrial accidents that will do their part to delay
    the ultimate unpleasantness.

    One last bit of optimism comes from an academic friend who spends more
    time than I on American campuses.

    "i wanted to comment on a "myth" which I think that you accept as fact.

    I for one am convinced that most American campuses are pro Israel or
    neutral. Few and very few are anti Israel. One example. Last year 5 or
    10 campuses in North America celebrated Palestine Week. Thousands of
    campuses had no such week. In addition hundreds of campuses had
    programs commemorating Israeli independence day."

    A welcome correction. I still pity those parents who spent years
    worrying about their childrens' acceptance, and now pay a lot for
    lousy education at distinguished campuses, but I accept my friend's
    correction that the media exaggerate the problem.

    I continue to read what I get from Scholars for Peace in the Middle
    East, and appreciate what colleagues are doing for me and to preserve
    the integrity of their campuses. I'll let others pay to keep it in
    operation. I'm doing my part by living alongside of Isaweea.

    My guess is that I'll write again before the start of the New Year.
    But if sanity prevails and nothing provokes me, I'll record my Good
    Wishes now.
