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Knesset To Discuss Armenian Genocide

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  • Knesset To Discuss Armenian Genocide

    Attila Somfalvi Published: 12.26.11, 09:47 / Israel News

    Amid dispute between France, Turkey over controversial chapter
    in history, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin says 'as a nation that
    experienced a holocaust, we cannot ignore this issue.' Foreign
    Ministry: Topic fit for historians, not politicians

    Amid heightened tensions between Turkey and France, after the latter
    passed a bill criminalizing the denial of genocide in Armenia, the
    Knesset's Education Committee on Monday will hold a session on the
    controversial topic.

    Three years ago the Foreign Ministry tried to thwart a hearing dealing
    with the Armenian genocide, but this time officials in the ministry
    presented a different view, claiming that the subject should be
    determined "by historians, not politicians."

    National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror asked Knesset Speaker Reuven
    Rivlin to postpone the discussion, but Rivlin refused, saying: "As a
    nation that has suffered through a holocaust, we cannot ignore this
    issue, and therefore the hearing will be held as scheduled."

    'Not a partisan issue' MK Zahava Gal-On, chairwoman of the Meretz
    faction, said that "acknowledging the horrors that took place in the
    past should not affect future relations with Turkey.

    "(Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdgoan's statements are made
    to create internal propaganda," the member of Knesset noted, adding
    that the Turkey will find a way to preserve its diplomatic tieswith
    Israel based on common interests.

    Gal-On stated that the Knesset must take a clear position on the
    Armenian genocide after long years of silence. "The moral duty to
    recognize the Armenian genocide is not a partisan issue.

    "As a daughter to the Jewish people, who underwent a holocaust that
    has no precedent in human memory, we have the moral duty to show
    sensitivity to the calamity of other nations," she said.

    Relations between France and Turkey reached an all time low last week,
    after French lawmakers voted to jail and fine anyone in France who
    denies that the 1915 killings of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire
    amounted to genocide.

    In response, Ankara recalled its Ambassador from Paris and announced
    a series of unprecedented measures, including a prohibition on
    French fighter jets to land on its territory and cancellation of all
    diplomatic meetings with French delegates.
