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TelAviv: Foreign Ministry: Israel's Recognition Of Armenian Genocide

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  • TelAviv: Foreign Ministry: Israel's Recognition Of Armenian Genocide

    By Jonathan Lis

    Dec 26 2011

    Knesset holds first discussion on possible recognition of Turkey's
    Armenian genocide; Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin says Israel has an
    ethical commitment to recognize other nations' genocides.

    The Foreign Ministry warned that Israel's possible recognition of
    the Armenian genocide, which was discussed in a Knesset committee
    on Monday, could lead to the serious deterioration of Israel's ties
    with Turkey.

    A Knesset committee discussed on Monday the possibility of setting a
    memorial day for the Armenian genocide by the Turkish people nearly
    100 years ago, marking a first in Israeli history.

    Several MKs expressed support for the move, saying that Israel,
    as a nation of the Jewish people who have experienced genocide,
    cannot ignore genocides in other countries.

    However, the recognition of the Armenian genocide has long been a
    sensitive diplomatic issue due to the implications it has on Israel's
    relationship with Turkey, which denies it.

    "This subject, given the current atmosphere, could deteriorate our
    ties with Turkey," A Foreign Ministry representative said during
    the discussion. "Our relationship with Turkey is very fragile and
    sensitive right now, and we cannot cross the line - we must approach
    the subject intelligently. Such a decision could have very serious
    strategic consequences. "

    Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin (Likud) said that the discussion did
    not arise because of the weakening ties between Israel and Turkey,
    maintaining that as a nation and a country, Israel cannot allow the
    denial of a disaster.

    "We stand before all the world's countries with the highest and most
    ethical demand, saying that Holocaust denial is something human kind
    cannot agree with," Rivlin said, stressing that Israel must recognize
    other countries' genocides.

    "For many years, Israel's government has refused to recognize the
    genocide for cynical, strategic and economic, reasons, connected
    to its ties with Turkey," said MK Zahava Gal-On (Meretz), who has
    sponsored the call for recognizing the Armenian genocide.

    "Now, given the state of relations between the countries, I can't
    rule out the possibility that the Foreign Ministry is exploiting
    affairs and trying to goad Turkey."

    Gal-On added that "our moral obligation transcends such cynical
    calculations, and I hope that the Knesset committee will reach a
    decision in favor of recognizing the genocide, in the Knesset's first
    public hearing on the matter. The education committee is the right
    place for examining the topic, which is omitted from school curricula."

    National Union MK Ariyeh Eldad, one of the initiators of the
    discussion, said that "in the past, we were always told that we
    cannot discuss this subject because of our good relationship with
    Turkey. Now we are told we cannot discuss this because of our bad
    relationship with Turkey. We cannot erase a chapter in history. We
    cannot ignore this subject because of our interests."

    Kadima MK Otniel Schneller was the only one who expressed outright
    opposition to an official recognition by Israel of the Armenian

    "We cannot disconnect the discussion from the fact that we must
    rehabilitate our ties with Turkey - it's an existential necessity,"
    he said. "We need to fit in the Middle East even if it is difficult."

    Up to now, proposals for recognizing the Armenian genocide have been
    considered by closed sessions of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and
    Defense Committee. That committee rejected the proposals a number
    of times.

    Recognition of the Armenian genocide is a sensitive diplomatic issue.

    Last week, the lower house of France's parliament approved a bill
    that bans denial of the genocide, which occurred 96 years ago. The
    law imposes a one-year jail sentence and a 45,000-euro fine.

    This step triggered a diplomatic crisis between France and Turkey.

    Ankara recalled its ambassador, canceled diplomatic, economic and
    military exchanges with France, and banned the landing of French
    military planes at its airports and the docking of French ships at
    its harbors.
