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Armenian Genocide: Mp Pirated Complaint

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  • Armenian Genocide: Mp Pirated Complaint


    San Francisco Luxury News
    Dec 26 2011

    Publication Date 26 December 2011
    Today's news from France ...

    Le site Valerie Boyer, the UMP MP behind the proposed law against the
    denial of genocides including the Armenian, Sunday was the victim of
    piracy by militant pro-Turkey.

    elected, claiming a victim of threats and insults, has announced its
    intention to file a complaint.

    In a telephone interview broadcast by target="_blank"> The member of
    the Bouches-du-Rhone said he had received of "death threats, rape,
    destruction and abuse and insults." "I find it very shocking," she
    says, adding that parents and children were also targeted.

    "It can not be insulted as a person but also in relation to his duties,
    said the member. I have to complain, I will."

    The website of the member hacked

    Earlier Sunday, the site of the member of the Bouches-du-Rhône with a
    black screen with the flag of Turkey and an unsigned message in two
    languages, Turkish and English, attacking the French Government and
    the Armenian community in France.

    "You, the Armenian diaspora, are such cowards that you do not have
    the guts to open the Armenian archives and to face the truth," the
    authors write the message, for whom "truth" is you can not speak of
    "Armenian genocide".

    "You, the French are so pitiful and pathetic that you ignore the truths
    of the vote," they added, referring to presidential and parliamentary
    elections to come to France.

    The National Assembly passed the bill Thursday penalizing the challenge
    of any genocide, including the Armenians in 1915, provoking the wrath
    of Turkey , freezing its military cooperation with France and the
    recall of its ambassador in Paris.

    bill by Valerie Boyer, MP UMP in Marseille which has a large Armenian
    community , received support from the government that allowed its
    inclusion in the agenda of the Assembly. The text must now be placed
    on the agenda of the Senate. The president of the National Assembly,
    Bernard Accoyer, considered unlikely that the text finally adopted
    by Parliament by the end of the legislature in 2012.
