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Hitchens' Legacy In Our Midst

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  • Hitchens' Legacy In Our Midst


    Nanore Barsoumian
    December 26, 2011

    The prominent journalist was a harsh critic of Turkey's genocide denial

    Author, journalist, and critic Christopher Hitchens died of pneumonia
    on Dec. 15, at the age of 62, after a long struggle with esophageal
    cancer. A phenomenal debater, he angered many. He was an outspoken
    atheist, an unforgivingly cool and passionate critic of religion.

    Following the attacks on the twin towers in September 2001, Hitchens
    voiced his contempt of what he referred to as "Islamofascism" and,
    to the surprise and dismay of many of his leftist supporters, became
    a staunch proponent of the Iraq War, turning venomous towards its
    critics. What many Armenians remember, however, and are grateful for,
    is his unyielding support-spoken and written-for the recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide.

    Christopher Hitchens Speaking to an audience on April 1, 2010,
    Hitchens reminded them that in a few weeks' time Armenians would be
    commemorating the attempted extermination of their nation: "[The
    survivors] all died not with just the knowledge of what happened
    to their families, their friends, and their communities, and the
    extirpation of not just them physically, but the destruction of their
    churches, their libraries, the renaming of their towns, the attempt
    to erase them from the map, the production of new atlases in Turkey
    that fail to show there was ever an Armenian province-the cultural
    erasure! [They] didn't just die in the knowledge of that; they died
    in the knowledge that it was still said that it never happened to
    them. This, I think, is the crowning insult, and the one that above
    all cries out for justice," he said.

    The insult of denial was too hard for him to swallow, just as it is
    for the descendants of our surviving nation. Hitchens was a crafty
    orator, tripping and baffling his opponents in a swordsmanship
    of words. Debating was who he was. He sought opponents, battled,
    and at times bragged: "...If you go into the matter with Turkish
    parliamentarians-as I have-[you will only get a] flat stern-faced
    denial. Go into it a little further, and you will suddenly hear them
    say, 'Well, the Armenians were taking the Russian side in the First
    World War. They were a subversive minority within our borders. They
    didn't follow our religion.' So you say to them, 'Ah, so I see. You
    say it never happened, but it would have been very justifiable if
    it did happen.' And you catch them. And you realize they see it in
    your face, and you see it in theirs. 'Oh, yes, I shouldn't have put
    it quite like that.'"

    When news of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's threats
    to deport his country's Armenians went viral, infuriating Armenians
    worldwide, Hitchens was outraged. He saw Erdogan's behavior as salt
    on the wound. "This man is an out-of-control thug, and he's posing
    as a defender of the human rights of the Palestinians," he said. "It
    makes me want to throw up things that I've forgotten ever eating."

    In another interview, he called Erdogan "a bully." "He goes into
    tantrums," he explained. Hitchens saw the prime minister's behavior as
    "vulgar," and as an example noted Erdogan's response to an Armenian
    Genocide commemoration. Hitchens paid no attention to Turkey's threats
    to cease its cooperation in the Iraq War if Congress recognized the
    genocide. He saw Turkey as a tunnel, not a bridge, between Europe and
    Asia. Turkey's suppression of the press, intellectuals, and activists
    within its own borders, and its expectations from others to do the
    same, worried him. The "Ankara government had the nerve to try to hold
    up the appointment of a serious Danish politician, Anders Rasmussen,
    as the next secretary-general of the [NATO] alliance, on the grounds
    that as Denmark's prime minister he had refused to censor Danish
    newspapers to Muslim satisfaction!" he wrote in Slate. "It is now
    being hinted that if either President Obama or Congress goes ahead
    with the endorsement of the genocide resolution, Turkey will prove
    uncooperative on a range of issues, including the normalization of
    the frontier between Turkey and Armenia and the transit of oil and
    gas pipelines across the Caucasus."

    Exactly a week after Hitchens' death, the French parliament passed
    a bill rendering the denial of the Armenian Genocide punishable by a
    fine of 45,000 euros ($58,000). Erdogan and Turkish Foreign Minister
    Ahmet Davutoglu used threats and insults to dissuade lawmakers from
    ratifying the bill.

    Almost two years ago, in another column for Slate, Hitchens unleashed
    his fury on the modern Turkish state for not only denying what its
    predecessor inflicted on the Armenians, but also for threatening
    countries who considered officially recognizing the genocide. "History
    is cunning: The dead of Armenia will never cease to cry out. Nor,
    on their behalf, should we cease to do so," he wrote. "Let Turkey's
    unstable leader [Erdogan] foam all he wants when other parliaments
    and congresses discuss Armenia and seek the truth about it."

    "The grotesque fact remains that the one parliament that should be
    debating the question-the Turkish Parliament-is forbidden by its own
    law to do so. While this remains the case, we shall do it for them,
    and without any apology, until they produce the one that is forthcoming
    from them," he added.

    From: Baghdasarian