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Turkish Rights Group: Unite Against Genocide Denial, Not Against Fra

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  • Turkish Rights Group: Unite Against Genocide Denial, Not Against Fra


    Armenian Weekly
    December 25, 2011

    ISTANBUL, Turkey (A.W.)--On Dec. 22, the Committee Against Racism and
    Discrimination of Turkey's Human Rights Association issued a press
    release and initiated a signature campaign calling on Turks to unite
    against genocide denial, not against the French Parliament. Below
    is the full text of the release. The Turkish version is available on
    the group's website.

    Turkish Rights Group: Let's Unite Against Genocide Denial, Not
    Against France.


    Broad segments of Turkish society seem to be united against the
    bill penalizing the denial of genocide, which will be discussed on
    Dec. 22, 2011 in the French Parliament [Editor's note: The bill has
    since passed]. The Turkish state's denial and threats are supported
    by business and consumer associations and civil society. Turkey's
    intelligentsia is also speaking against the bill. The common argument
    for all these sectors against France is "freedom of expression";
    they are arguing that banning the denial of the Armenian Genocide
    undermines freedom of expression.

    We, the Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association of Turkey's
    Committee Against Racism and Discrimination declare that the denial
    of a crime against humanity such as genocide has nothing to do with
    freedom of expression.

    The denial of the annihilation of a nation--with its entire social
    fabric, professions, works of art, and historical heritage--by the
    state itself, intentionally and in a planned manner, means endorsing
    the crime and justifying such violence. Therefore, denial of genocide
    cannot be considered within the boundaries of freedom of speech. It
    constitutes violence against the grandchildren of genocide survivors
    in Turkey and elsewhere in the world and against the memory of the
    genocide victims. The European Court of Human Rights in many cases
    has ruled that freedom of expression is not applicable to expressions
    of violence.

    The UN General Assembly adopted the Convention for Prevention and
    Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in December 1948 and the Convention
    came into force in January 1951. Since that day, Holocaust denial
    has been punished in many countries with fines and prison sentences.

    The punishment of Holocaust denial entails fines and prison sentences
    of up to 20 years in Austria, fines and up to 1 year imprisonment
    in Belgium, 6 months to 2 years imprisonment in the Czech Republic,
    a fine and 5-month prison sentence in Germany, a fine and 1 month to
    2 years imprisonment in France, a 3-4-year prison sentence in Italy,
    and a fine and 1-10-year prison sentence in Lithuania. In other words,
    punishment for genocide denial is neither new nor specific to France.

    On Feb. 1, 2011, the Reis-ul Ulema (Grand Mufti) of Bosnian Muslims,
    Mustafa CeriÄ~G, during a visit to the Auschwitz concentration camp
    together with a group of 150--comprised of Christian, Muslim, and
    Jewish delegations--said that those who denied the Holocaust or the
    genocide of Muslims in Srebrenica should be treated as accomplices
    in the crime.

    One argument progressive intellectuals use against the French bill
    banning denial is the memory of Hrant Dink, who was opposed to the
    passage of such laws. We believe it is wrong to base one's opinion
    on today's French bill on the views expressed years ago by Hrant
    Dink, who was assassinated as a result of collaboration between the
    state's special war apparatus and fascist elements. Not only is it
    absurd to speculate on what Hrant Dink would think today, but it is
    fundamental to the freedom of thought--something the intellectuals
    uphold as sacred--that people should have the right to develop their
    own independent opinions, free of others' guidance.

    In conclusion, we invite the NGOs, the business organizations,
    such as the Union of Turkish Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and
    Association of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen, opinion makers,
    and intellectuals to stop campaigning against the French Parliament
    and work for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the Assyrian
    Genocide, and the ethnic cleansing of the Greeks by the state and

    From: A. Papazian