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Authorities Convinced The West

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  • Authorities Convinced The West

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 11:26:39 - 27/12/2011

    Our interlocutor is President of Yerevan Press Club Boris Navasardyan

    Mr. Navasardyan, today, many speak of the lack of any policy or its
    emptiness, saying that everything is just imitation of policy. Do
    you agree that our political thought failed to complete?

    If saying political content we mean that all political forces
    should have programs, a strategy and should clearly understand what
    country model they want to build, then I agree, because the election
    campaign in Armenia is not a campaign of programs but of administrative
    resources and control of masses. I mean, if you don't have resources,
    you can lead controllable masses to the square and achieve your goals.

    Describing the policy more modestly, then for the government it is the
    fight and working out of ways to fulfill the government's functions,
    for the opposition it is the strategy to fight for becoming power
    and strengthening positions. This kind of policy exists in Armenia
    and it is not imitation because we have quite serious actors in the
    political arena who can take decisions and act independently. This
    can be called policy.

    So, can we state the agendas of political forces lack the society's
    interest and the mechanism of not loving the power and the opposition
    comes from this?

    I can definitely say that the public interest is very little expressed
    in political stances. The main political forces don't see the direct
    connection between their ensuring the public interest and gaining
    dividends. This is a serious issue and can be explained by that fact
    that it is not the society to form the political arena, choose the
    leaders, impose demands and require their implementation, but the
    political leaders offer themselves to the society, and the latter,
    under the complete lack of election mechanisms, is forced to choose
    any of the existing leaders and follow them having no mechanisms to
    influence the future activities of the leader.

    Is seeking leaders a task of the society? And is the scarcity of
    leaders a matter of the society's weakness?

    I would not say weakness, but unfortunately, the Armenian society is
    not educated in terms of politics to work out mechanisms of dictating
    its will, interests and wishes to the leaders. Let's be objective
    and understand in what society we live in and what we inherited.

    Everything is done inside the political field and first of all by
    the authorities for no other alternative force, which would like
    to rely on the society and try meeting the society's interests,
    have any possibility for self-expression. For the formation of such
    a political force, a free competitive field and accession to media is
    necessary, especially television, it is necessary to authorize rallies
    not after great scandals and under the pressure by the international
    organizations, but to ensure the freedom of gathering just from the
    beginning. In other words, provide possibilities for the opposition
    to self-express and offer itself to the society as the fulfiller of
    their wishes (such situations happen in Armenia for a limited period).

    Unfortunately, in Armenia it is normal when political forces have
    no such opportunities. In this case, the mechanisms of connection
    between the political forces and the society don't function.

    There is an opinion that we lost the winning haze in 2011, and
    something new is necessary to be proposed to the society.

    2011 was an interesting year in terms of the political analyses. I
    would not say that the political forces proposed something to
    the society, even if they did, it was done through mediation. The
    implemented "creative" work was mainly within the government because
    the conscience that it is impossible to go on this way matured there.

    Today, it would be wrong to deny the existence of this conscience,
    and in terms of preparing reforms, our authorities are orientated
    first of all towards international partners. This implies that it is
    necessary to prove to the European Union and the U.S. that we will
    have a different country in terms of the quality after the election
    processes which will be the fairest and the most democratic in the
    modern history of Armenia. It is strange and sad that the interests of
    the society are better presented by the international community, which
    plays the role of the effective mediator between the Armenian nation
    and the government. At this moment, I can say that the authorities
    convinced the West. In fall, I had numerous opportunities to attend
    discussions with the participation of Western experts, officials
    and political figures, who said they were inclined to believing the
    Armenian authorities' decisiveness to change everything.

    Does the society have any choice? There have been no new proposals.

    I agree that there is no new proposal, but there is choice based
    on the former proposals too. Anyway, the society has choice always
    because election is held through various factors: either you trust
    unconditionally a political force and follow it, or you make a tactical
    choice, taking into account what kind of division of forces you want
    to see, say, in the parliament because not obligatory the force of
    your dreams should be present in the parliament. The important is to
    have counterbalance because in this case you can hope for discussion
    and solutions based on consensus. In these terms, this is one step
    forward of the situation we have had until now, when the coalition
    was formed based on personal interests.
