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ANKARA: Knesset Gives No Decision On 'Armenian Killings'

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  • ANKARA: Knesset Gives No Decision On 'Armenian Killings'


    Hurriyet Daily News
    Dec 27 2011

    After the France decided to penalize denial of Armenian 'genocide,'
    Knesset committee discusses 'recognition of Armenian killings in 1915,'
    despite the objections of Israeli PM and nationalist FM. The committee
    comes up with no decision

    Over their prime minister's objections, Israeli lawmakers yesterday
    began debating a proposal to recognize the "mass killings of Armenians
    by Ottoman Turks," with no final decision.

    The discussion was unusually held in the Knesset's education committee,
    described as the weakest committee in terms of its political weight. It
    can not make any political decisions. It can only give recommendations
    for educational issues.

    In past years, the Knesset held hearings on the subject, but only
    behind the closed doors of its foreign and defense committees. This
    was the first time such a discussion was open to the public mainly
    because the all the discussions in the education committee are
    open to press coverage. As expected. the committee did not make any
    decisions or issue any declaration, and will meet again on the issue
    in the future. Although the media reports said the Knesset debated
    to recognize "Armenian genocide" yesterday, the word "genocide"
    was not used in the original Hebrew version of the proposal, Israeli
    sources said.

    Committee Chairman Alex Miller of the nationalist Yisrael Beiteinu
    - the party headed by Foreign Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman -
    said the discussion would focus on the "educational and academic"
    aspects of the issue, such as the correct way to address it in schools
    and universities, rather than its security and diplomatic angles.

    Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin also stressed that the issue was not
    a political one, Agence France-Presse reported. "The subject has
    not arisen at the Knesset because things happened between Israel and
    Turkey; not because we want to exploit a political situation in order
    to settle accounts," he told the committee at the start of its debate.

    But a foreign ministry representative at the discussion warned of the
    repercussions an Israeli move toward recognizing Armenian genocide
    allegations could have on the already-strained relations with Turkey.

    "Our relations with them are so fragile today, it is not right to
    push them over the red line," Irit Lillian said. "Such recognition at
    this stage could have severe ramifications." Lilian said very openly
    Foreign Minister's opinion on the issue that "it is not political
    debate, it should be a historical or academically searched topic."

    An Israeli government official confirmed that Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu had requested the debate be canceled because "it would be
    better for the country if this did not take place."

    Aryeh Eldad of the right-wing National Union party, who along with
    Zehava Gal-On of the left-wing Meretz party initiated the hearing,
    said, "In the past it was wrong to bring up the issue because our ties
    with Turkey were good; now it is wrong because our ties with them
    are bad. When will the time be right?" Lawmakers' proposals to hold
    hearings on the issue were rejected by governments over the years,
    when ties between Israel and Turkey were warm. But relations plunged
    into deep crisis last year when Israeli forces killed nine Turks in
    a raid on a Turkish ferry, part of an activist flotilla seeking to
    breach Israel's naval blockade of Gaza.
