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Israeli Foreign Ministry Warns Recognition Of Armenian "Genocide" Co

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  • Israeli Foreign Ministry Warns Recognition Of Armenian "Genocide" Co


    Xinhua General News Service
    December 26, 2011 Monday 10:55 AM EST

    The Israeli Foreign Ministry warned that Israel's possible recognition
    of the so-called Armenian "genocide", which was discussed in a Knesset
    committee on Monday, could lead to a serious deterioration of Israel's
    ties with Turkey.

    Lawmakers of the Knesset Education Committee on Monday debated whether
    Israel should officially recognize the killing of Armenians under
    the Ottoman rule during World War I.

    Turkey hotly denies the "genocide" claim, saying that the victims
    were casualties of war and unrest and that the number of deaths
    were exaggerated.

    The Israeli discussion came on the heels of the efforts in France
    to pass a bill that criminalizes denial of the "genocide" claim and
    stipulates penalties including up to one year's jail term and a fine
    of 45,000 euros.

    Ankara last week recalled its ambassador to France in protest of
    the bill.

    The Israeli foreign ministry has long held that realpolitic with
    Turkey trumped any official recognition of the "genocide", and that
    the 100-year-old issue is a matter to be decided "by historians,
    not politicians."

    The ministry's officials have also averred that making such a symbolic
    gesture would only serve to worsen the already tense bilateral

    "This subject, given the current atmosphere, could deteriorate
    our ties with Turkey," a ministry representative told the group of
    parliamentarians, according to the Haaretz daily.

    "Our relationship with Turkey is very fragile and sensitive right
    now, and we cannot cross the line -- we must approach the subject
    intelligently. Such a decision could have very serious strategic
    consequences," he said, echoing a view held by the prime minister's

    But on Sunday, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin overruled a request
    by the National Security Council Chairman Yaakov Amidror to put off
    the session.

    "Diplomatic considerations, however important they may be, do not allow
    us to deny the catastrophe of another nation. We are not referring to
    the current Turkish government or to the current political situation,
    but to a historical event that should be made known so that it will
    not happen again. The state of Israel aspires to restore friendly
    relations with Turkey, and I do not see why the commemoration of the
    Armenian catastrophe should prevent this," Rivlin said.

    Turkey and Armenia have been bogged down in a dispute over the World
    War I-era deaths of Armenians under the Ottoman rule. Armenia says
    the deaths occurred in a "genocide," while Turkey denies the charge
    and insists that the Armenians were victims of widespread chaos and
    governmental breakdown as the Ottoman Empire collapsed before modern
    Turkey was created.

    From: Baghdasarian