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Corruption Index 2011 From Transparency International: Find Out How

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  • Corruption Index 2011 From Transparency International: Find Out How


    File photo of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang Corruption
    index 2011 from Transparency International: North Korean leader Kim
    Jong-il's country is seen as the most corrupt in the world.

    Corruption around the world remains a deeply entrenched, global
    concern according to Transparency International's 2011 Corruption
    Perceptions Index (CPI) - the world's most credible measure of of
    domestic, public sector corruption.

    This year, two thirds of countries covered by the index were given
    scores less than 5 - which means they are considered significantly

    The CPI scores countries on a scale of zero to 10, with zero indicating
    high levels of corruption and 10, low levels. And the most corrupt
    places in the world are not the most surprising. Unstable governments,
    often with a legacy of conflict, continue to dominate the bottom
    rungs of the CPI. Afghanistan and Myanmar share second to last place
    with a score of 1.5, with Somalia and North Korea - measured for the
    first time - coming in last with a score of 1.

    World corruption index interactive map World corruption index
    interactive map. Click image to explore it

    The world's most peaceful countries score the best. In the 2011 CPI,
    New Zealand is top with a score of 9.5, followed by Denmark, Finland,
    Sweden and Singapore.

    Four countries and territories besides North Korea are included for
    the first time: the Bahamas, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines,
    and Suriname.

    Transparency International (TI) chair Huguette Labelle says corruption
    remains a major global issue, highlighted by widespread demonstrations
    in 2011: "This year we have seen corruption on protestor's banners be
    they rich or poor. Whether in a Europe hit by debt crisis or an Arab
    world starting a new political era, leaders must head the demands
    for better government."

    Wealth seems no easy antidote to corruption: some relatively rich
    countries, including Russia, fall at the bottom of the global league
    table. Meanwhile, some of the world's poorer states do comparatively
    well: Botswana, Bhutan, Cape Verde, and Rwanda all appear among the 50
    "cleanest" countries.

    While the index has been published annually since 1995, TI warns
    against comparing scores over time, as sources for the index change
    each year. However, the Berlin-based NGO notes that two general
    trends pop out regardless: Arab Spring countries, and many Eurozone
    countries - particularly those affected by the financial crisis -
    are doing worse and worse.

    Most Arab Spring countries rank in the lower half of the index,
    with scores below 4. Many of the lowest-scoring European countries
    are those hardest hit by the financial and debt crises - including
    Greece and Italy.

    The UK ranks 16th, along with Austria and the Barbados, and just
    ahead of Belgium and Ireland. The US ranks 24th.

    The Index, which is closely watched by investors, economists, and
    civil society campaigners, is based on expert assessments and data
    from 17 surveys from 13 independent institutions, covering issues such
    as access to information, bribery of public officials, kickbacks in
    public procurement, and the enforcement of anti-corruption laws.

    While critics note that measuring perceptions of corruption is not the
    same as measuring corruption itself, the latter is almost impossible
    to do - as the corrupt are usually keen to cover up their tracks,
    hard data on graft and bribery is notoriously difficult to come by.

    We've got the full data below. What can you do with it?



    Click heading to sort table. Download this data

    2011 rank Country / Territory CPI 2011 Score CPI 2010 Score CPI 2009
    Score CPI 2008 Score

    SOURCE: Transparency International
