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Editor, MP, Discuss Housing Plight Of Zatik Orphanage "Graduates"

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  • Editor, MP, Discuss Housing Plight Of Zatik Orphanage "Graduates"

    Kristine Aghalaryan

    16:00, December 28, 2011

    At a press conference today, the plight of those being discharged
    from the Zatik Orphanage due to their age was discussed by Hetq Editor
    Edik Baghdasaryan and Heritage Party MP Anahit Bakhshyan.

    Arsen Lazarian was forced to leave the Zatik Orphanage when he turned
    18. Now 20, he's a fourth year student at the Yerevan Polytechnic
    Institute and works nights in a bakery to pay his rent.

    He was told to find his own way in this world - no housing, job,

    "Sure it's tough, studying and working at the same time, but I have
    no choice," Arsen said.

    Recently, 33 of the 68 orphans at Zatik have been discharged, according
    to MP Bakhshyan.

    She argued that the children were being "tossed out" with nowhere
    to go despite legal guarantees that the state must provide for their
    social needs, including housing.

    Baghdasaryan noted that the government had initiated a housing program
    for parentless children leaving state orphanages as far back as 2001
    and that construction began in 2003.

    "It was a fabulous program had it been fully realized. Some 156
    apartments were built in just a few years. Then, there were revelations
    of large-scale embezzlement and a criminal investigation was launched,"
    Baghdasaryan said.

    No one was ever charged and the monies were never returned, he added.

    "Hey, this is normal for Armenia where officials try to make money
    from everything, even at the expense of orphans," he said.

    MP Bakhshyan commented that while social programs are signed into law
    and get budgets, their effectiveness is never really felt by those
    in need.

    There's no state policy, no institutional approach to this problem,"
    she said.

    As to what steps the orphanage "graduates" might explore, MP Bakhshyan
    advised them to take up the matter with the Ministry of Labor and
    Social Affairs, which has a number of projects on paper, and see
    if any relate to facilitating work or education for those leaving
    the orphanage.

    Baghdasaryan proposed that pressure be brought to bear on various
    business leaders and oligarchs to offer these young people jobs.

    "These kids need the support of society but there's no one out there
    willing to provide them the assistance they need," he added.
