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ANKARA: Another Obstacle Prevents Progress In Hrant Dink Case

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  • ANKARA: Another Obstacle Prevents Progress In Hrant Dink Case

    Jan 26 2011

    The Trabzon Chief Prosecution revoked the decision of the Rize High
    Criminal Court to launch an investigation about Trabzon Chief of Police
    ReÅ~_at Altay initiated to determine who was actually responsible
    for the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Dink.

    Trabzon - Rize - BÄ°A News Center26 January 2011, Wednesday In the
    scope of the Hrant Dink trial in Trabzon, the Public Chief Prosecution
    of Trabzon reversed the decision of the Rize High Criminal Court
    (cities on the eastern Black Sea coast) to launch a new investigation
    about ReÅ~_at Altay, the then Provincial Chief of the Trabzon Police.

    The court in Rize decided to investigate Altay because of alleged
    negligence prior to the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Dink
    in 2007. The Trabzon court quashed the decision though because of
    "procedural" deficiencies.

    The Chief Prosecution announced to have accepted the appeal related
    to the decision against a prosecution. However, according to the law,
    the court would have to follow certain procedures in order to launch
    an investigation at the Rize High Criminal Court or another court as
    long as the decision for lack of jurisdiction has not been revoked,
    it was declared.

    A trial against the suspects at the Rize court can only be opened if
    the Rize High Criminal Court fully annulled the decision for lack
    of jurisdiction. Should the court insist on the decision though,
    the ongoing discrepancies would have to be resolved otherwise.

    Difficulties for launch of investigation The Trabzon Public
    Chief Prosecution had launched an investigation about the Trabzon
    Provincial Chief of Police in relation to the murder of journalist
    Dink, General Publications Director of the Armenian Agos newspaper at
    the time. As a result of the investigation, the Trabzon court decided
    to drop procedures.

    The joint attorneys of the Dink family appealed against the decision
    at the Rize High Criminal Court. However, the appeal was dismissed
    and the decision was finalized.

    Besides, a trial was opened against officials of the Trabzon
    Gendarmerie Command at the Trabzon 2nd Magistrate Criminal Court and
    another case was launched against Colonel Ali Oz, the then Provincial
    Gendarmerie Commander, on charges of neglect of duty.

    The Dink family lawyers sent another petition to the Rize High
    Criminal Court since that was the closest high criminal court to
    Trabzon. In the petition, the lawyers alleged that the facts had not
    been sufficiently investigated for the decision of the Trabzon Public
    Prosecution to drop procedures against the officials of the Trabzon
    Police Directorate and the Provincial Gendarmerie Command.

    The petition demanded to revoke the decision against the prosecution.

    Thereupon, the Trabzon Public Prosecutor announced that there were
    no new facts or evidence to be added. Since the investigation on the
    same matter would not be repeated, it was decided that there was no
    reason for a prosecution.

    Rize court requested investigation Upon the latest appeal by the
    Dink family lawyers filed to the Rize High Criminal Court against
    the decision of lack of jurisdiction, it was decreed that facts and
    evidence might exist that would justify the opening of a public case.

    In the decision it was decreed to apply for the detailed statements of
    ReÅ~_at Altay and Levent Yarımel, who was mentioned in the statement
    of witness Emin Arslan, and for the detailed statement of Arslan that
    was included in the appeal and the attachments.

    In the meantime, the Parliamentarian Commission on Human Rights had
    communicated the commission's disagreement with the decision of the
    Trabzon Prosecutor to drop procedures. It was announced that the
    investigation would have to be broadened and a decision was to be
    given according to the results to be obtained. It was decided to
    accept the appeal against the decision to drop procedures made by
    the Trabzon Public Prosecution. (BO/EO)

    From: A. Papazian