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ANKARA: President Gul Warns Of Rising Racism, Discrimination In Euro

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  • ANKARA: President Gul Warns Of Rising Racism, Discrimination In Euro


    Today's Zaman
    Jan 26 2011

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul spoke before deputies from the 47
    nations represented at PACE on Tuesday as Turkey took over the
    presidency of the European body.

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul has warned about the growing pessimism
    in Europe that he said was reshaping the continent's political life on
    the back of increasing manifestations of intolerance and discrimination
    in many European societies.

    "Let us not forget that popular support for explicit anti-Semitism
    was only 5 percent in the late 1920s. With the snowball effect, this
    poisonous minority paved the way for the Holocaust in the late 1930s.

    History does repeat itself if we do not draw lessons from our past
    mistakes," he said to deputies from the 47 nations represented in
    the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

    "Over the past few years, our member states have been affected by
    weakening social ties. Radicalization and increasing gaps between
    different religious, ethnic and cultural communities started to harm
    the social fabric of our nations," President Gul remarked, adding: "We
    must retain confidence in the ability of our democratic institutions
    to promote human rights, tolerance, dialogue and social cohesion. We
    need to develop a democratic framework for living together."

    In an address delivered yesterday in Strasbourg during the winter
    session of PACE, the largest and most important European watchdog
    overseeing human rights, rule of law and democracy on the continent,
    Gul said the Council of Europe has done and continues to do much to
    promote peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between peoples of
    different origin, culture and faith living in Europe. "The Council
    of Europe has the duty to address and counter these new challenges,"
    he added.

    PACE President Mevlut CavuÅ~_oglu, a Turkish deputy from the district
    of Alanya, introduced the Turkish president and said, "It is an
    honor and a pleasure to welcome you in this chamber, particularly at
    a moment when your country is chairing the Committee of Ministers of
    the Council of Europe." Praising Gul as one of the strongest supporters
    and defenders of PACE and the values it stands for, CavuÅ~_oglu said,
    "As a Turkish politician, you have invested a lot of effort into
    promoting democratic reforms in Turkey."

    He went on to say progress on democratic reforms is clearly visible.

    "The positive result of the recent referendum on constitutional
    changes as well as the high turnout show how strongly the Turkish
    people are attached to their democratic rights and freedoms and to a
    future in Europe. I am sure that with your strong political support,
    democratic reforms in Turkey will move ahead smoothly, to the benefit
    of Turkish citizens," the PACE president remarked.

    President Gul cited racism and xenophobia as representing major causes
    of concern in connection with the current economic crisis. "Roma
    and travelers, Muslims or Jews, and, more generally, those who are
    different, experience hostility and social exclusion in many of
    our societies," he said, criticizing governments' tough lines on
    immigration. "There is a rise in electoral support for political
    parties that portray immigration as the main cause of insecurity,
    unemployment, crime, poverty and social problems," he warned, calling
    them "pathologies" that are weakening Europe and decimating its soft
    power in the world. "We should work hard to defeat these problems
    to reassert Europe on the global scene," the Turkish president told
    the deputies.

    Recalling terror attacks in New York, Madrid, Ä°stanbul and London,
    Gul argued that European Muslims have perhaps been more affected than
    others by these trends. He said Muslims in Europe are very diverse
    not only in their geographical origins and cultural heritage, but
    also in their ways of interpreting and practicing their faith. "It is
    a misperception to view these diverse communities as a unitary one
    defined by religion. This is fundamentally at odds with 'European
    values'," he noted.

    President Gul emphasized that the perpetrators of these crimes have
    nothing to do with Islam. "One should also bear in mind that those
    terrorist organizations are attacking many Muslim targets, too. They
    do not have achievable political objectives, but rather pursue their
    archaic and illicit utopian ideas," he stated. The Turkish president
    made the point that Islam, like all other religions, teaches tolerance
    and respect for human beings of all faiths. "It is the abuse of faith
    for political purposes that leads to intolerance and exclusion,"
    he added.

    Gul also responded to questions raised by deputies from the 47
    nations in PACE. He said there is a "silent revolution" going on
    in Turkey in terms of further democratization, admitting, however,
    that there are still shortcomings. "We have confidence in ourselves
    in overcoming those shortcomings," he added. He dismissed a question
    raised by one deputy regarding lowering the 10 percent threshold in
    national elections, saying it is simply not possible to amend election
    laws in an election year. "Everyone agrees in Turkey, including the
    government and the opposition, that we need a new constitution. The
    threshold could be taken in that context after the elections," he said,
    adding that there is no barrier for independent candidates.

    Responding to a question on the restoration of churches in Turkey, Gul
    said the Turkish state does not make a distinction between churches,
    synagogues or mosques, and they are trying to restore all historic
    buildings. He said he believes everyone should be able to freely
    practice their own religion, including atheists. "We are removing
    all obstacles before that. Some of these problems may be relevant
    for the Muslim majority as well," he pointed out.

    The Turkish president gave assurances that his country is doing
    everything it can to prevent illegal migration to Europe. He warned,
    however, that Turkey cannot be a place where all illegal immigrants
    are dumped and left to be taken care of by without any help from
    other countries. "We need close cooperation," he said. When a German
    deputy raised the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) trial issue, Gul
    said it is up to the independent court to determine whether terror or
    violence is involved. He also informed deputies that defense given
    in a mother tongue other than Turkish in the courts is allowed and
    currently in practice.

    As for minorities, Gul said that if any group is not happy with the
    decision of the domestic courts, they can always take a case to the
    European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). He squarely placed the blame
    for deteriorating relations with Israel on the Jewish state, saying
    Turkey did all it could to help Israel to reconcile its differences
    with its neighbors in the past. "The collective punishment of the
    Gazan people is not acceptable as confirmed by international bodies.

    Many international human rights organizations have tried to help the
    Gazans. Turkey did that, too. People from 47 nations participated
    in that aid convoy, but Israel attacked them in open waters,"
    he explained.

    Gul also dismissed the genocide question raised by Armenian deputy
    Naira Zohrabyan, saying the Turkish government does not believe
    the term can be applied to the incidents during World War I. He
    called for the establishment a historical commission to investigate
    World War I killings during which Armenians, Turks and many others
    perished and asked for all archives to be opened up. Recalling that
    he was the first Turkish president to visit Armenia, Gul said Turkey
    wants to normalize relations with its neighbor, but the occupation of
    Azerbaijani lands must cease. "As long as there are problems in this
    area, there will be a wall between Europe and Asia. If we solve these,
    the Caucasus would be a great gateway for prosperity," he noted.

    From: A. Papazian