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ANKARA: Journalist Arslan Receives Bullets, Threatening Calls Over N

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  • ANKARA: Journalist Arslan Receives Bullets, Threatening Calls Over N


    Today's Zaman
    Jan 27 2011

    Journalist Adem Yavuz Arslan received a package containing four
    Kalashnikov bullets and a white beret, similar to the one that Dink's
    assassin was wearing on the day of the murder.

    Journalist Adem Yavuz Arslan, the author of a book that seeks to shed
    light on some of the shady aspects of the murder of Turkish-Armenian
    journalist Hrant Dink, has said the death threats he has been
    receiving lately prove that his book is telling the "truth" about
    the Dink murder.

    On Wednesday, Arslan received a package containing four Kalashnikov
    bullets and a white beret, similar to the one that Dink's assassin
    was wearing on the day of the murder. In addition, he said he has
    been receiving threatening phone calls from unidentified sources
    since his book first hit the shelves.

    The package was sent to Arslan's office. He is both a columnist and
    the Ankara representative for the Bugun daily. Police officers from
    the counter-terrorism department examined the parcel. The examination
    revealed that it was sent from the Yerköy district of Yozgat province.

    An investigation is still under way into the incident.

    Arslan also said the packet contains a "direct message" for him. "The
    senders of the bullets are implying that I will get killed like Dink,"
    he noted.

    The journalist has recently dominated the agenda with his new book,
    "Bi Ermeni Var: Dink Operasyonunun Å~^ifreleri" (There's this Armenian:
    The Codes of the Dink Operation), which puts forward new evidence
    indicating that the murder of Dink had been masterminded from the
    start by dark forces.

    Dink was shot dead by a nationalist teenager in broad daylight in
    front of his office in 2007. Dink's assassin was captured, but the
    real plotters of the murder have yet to be captured.

    According to Arslan, the threats have come to prove that his book is
    telling the truth behind Dink's assassination. "The bullets and the
    white beret show that I am being targeted because of my new book. Now
    I see that my book is really shedding light on the murder. I see that
    I am on the right track. Otherwise, some would not be so disturbed,"
    he stated.

    In his book, the journalist expresses the belief that the Dink murder
    was not committed just by a few ultranationalists. Rather, that it was
    carefully planned in minute detail from the start as part of a shady
    plan to create chaos in the country. Arslan also believes that the
    investigation should start from scratch in light of the new evidence
    he provides in his book.

    Arslan's book also details many connections between members of
    Ergenekon -- a clandestine gang with members nested within the
    state hierarchy whose members are currently on trial for attempting
    to overthrow the government by force. Ergenekon is accused of being
    behind many atrocious crimes and plots that sought to create chaos
    in Turkey, which they hoped would trigger a military takeover.

    However, the journalist is not hopeful that the sender of the
    bullet-filled package will get caught. "Police sources said the sender
    used a fake name when sending the package. This means it will be very
    hard to find the sender. The cargo bureau from where the package was
    sent does not have security cameras. I believe that this is not the
    work of an amateur."

    Arslan also said he asked police to provide security assistance for
    him and his family. "This is really bothersome. Suppose that you
    are working to shed light on the murder of a journalist and you are
    subjected to remorseless criticism from your colleagues. Then you
    receive death threats. They are sending you bullets and a white beret.

    I am clever enough to understand the message here," he stated.

    Nevertheless, the journalist defied the threats, saying: "Only God
    will take my life away. I believe that death is one and it cannot be
    changed. If the state that failed to protect Dink will not manage to
    protect me, then I have nothing to say."

    Currently there are 20 suspects in the Dink murder case, eight of whom
    are under arrest. Following Dink's murder, numerous reports suggested
    that the police had been tipped off about the planned assassination
    more than once before his murder but had failed to prevent it. Some
    gendarmes later confirmed that they had been tipped off about the
    plot to kill Dink before the murder was committed. Two gendarmes are
    currently standing trial for having ignored warnings about the plot
    against Dink.

    More from Arslan's book The title of Arslan's book comes from the
    testimony of Ogun Samast, the self-confessed murderer of Dink,
    in a court. According to Samast, one day when he was hanging out
    at a local Internet café playing games, his friend Hayal -- who
    is now accused of inciting him to murder -- came up and told him:
    "There's this Armenian. You should kill him."

    The book provides new evidence that confirms links that were suspected
    earlier between key Ergenekon suspect Veli Kucuk, a retired general,
    and Col. Ali Oz, who was gendarmerie regiment commander in Trabzon --
    the hometown of hitman Samast and other suspects in the trial and
    the city where the plot to assassinate Dink was hatched.

    A prosecutor filed a lawsuit in 2008 against Oz and six soldiers,
    demanding up to two years of imprisonment for dereliction of duty in
    the Hrant Dink murder case. The men are being accused of ignoring
    tips from various sources about the plot being hatched during the
    run-up to the murder. No convictions have yet been made in that trial.

    Kucuk had also threatened Dink when he was still alive due to his
    articles and writings. According to different accounts from various
    members of the Dink family, Kucuk and ultranationalist lawyer Kemal
    Kerincsiz -- also a suspect in the Ergenekon case -- had threatened
    Dink. The journalist's brother, Orhan Dink, remembers that his brother
    was highly unnerved by the involvement of Kerincsiz and Kucuk.

    Arslan also points to various shortcomings that he spotted in the
    investigation. He asserts in his book that Dink's murder was a stage
    in a larger plan to launch an anti-Christian campaign and stir up
    ultranationalist sentiment.

    From: A. Papazian