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Archbishop Highlights Armenian Experience In Genocide Remembrance

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  • Archbishop Highlights Armenian Experience In Genocide Remembrance

    By staff writers

    Jan 27 2011

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams ,has issued a statement
    marking Holocaust Memorial Day, which emphasises the need to hear the
    'Untold Stories' of those who suffered similar tragedies to those
    experienced during the Shoah - the calculated mass murder of European
    Jews and other groups by the Nazis during World War 2.

    "If the stories are not told over and again, we lose the memory
    of those who suffered and we risk losing something that protects
    our humanity...I commend for our remembrance the untold stories of
    Jewish people living in Britain during the medieval era, those of the
    Holocaust and the stories from the genocidal tragedies of many other
    contexts in our deeply damaged world today," declared Dr Williams.

    Among the crimes he mentioned was the Armenian genocide of 1915-23, for
    which there has been a longstanding campaign for full international
    recognition. At present the Turkish government still denies the
    genocidal nature of what occurred, despite overwhelming historical

    Campaigners say that hearing the hidden crimes and unheard voices is
    vital to the task of challenging and ending the kind of systematic
    murder visited on 6 million Jews and others during the Nazi Holocaust
    - which remains unique in scale and execution - but also many other
    victims, including recent ones such as those in the Democratic Republic
    of Congo, where 5.4 million people have been killed since 1998;
    Cambodia, where an estimated 1.7 million were murdered by the Khmer
    Rouge between 1975 and 1979; the war in Bosnia in the 1990s which
    claimed at least 98,000 lives; Burundi, with 50,000 deaths in 1993
    and Rwanda, which saw 800,000 deaths in 1994, due to tribal conflict.

    Dr Williams' inclusion of Armenia in his statement was welcomed by
    Dr Harry Hagopian, an ecumenical, legal and political expert on the
    region. He told Ekklesia that those who still carried the memory
    of these events and those working to reverse the climate of denial
    around them would be "profoundly grateful" to the Archbishop for
    his acknowledgment.

    In November last year, Dr Hagopian gave the Constantinople Lecture
    2010, sponsored by the Anglican and Eastern Churches Association, on
    the theme of 'The Armenian Genocide: A way forward?' The lecture was
    published by Ekklesia (
    and others.

    The annual Holocaust Memorial Day in Britain, and related observances
    across the world, have been marked across the country, in local
    communities and places of worship, on 27 January 2011.

    The full text of the Archbishop of Canterbury's message is as follows:

    "On this national Holocaust Memorial Day we are asked to remember
    the 'Untold Stories' from other genocides that have occurred
    since the Holocaust. The poems of Paul Celan attempt to express the
    inexpressible: to tell the 'Untold Story' that chronicles each detail
    of human degradation and loss during the Holocaust. Although other
    poets have spoken for those killed in Armenia, Cambodia and Darfur,
    many stories from these and other genocidal events remain untold. They
    do not lessen or relativise the unique horror of the Holocaust,
    but rather serve to remind us of the loss of humanity that remains
    present in our midst to this day.

    "Testimony, poetry and autobiography allow us to attend to the distinct
    stories of individuals rather than trying to comprehend the statistics
    of different genocides of recent history. Writers like Paul Celan and
    Etty Hillesum create the most vivid remembrance because their voices
    are so distinct and their suffering can be felt in every detail of
    their work.

    "Sometimes objects and mementos themselves can carry a story and the
    recently launched Jewish Museum in Camden displays hand-crafted sacred
    objects alongside small items carried by Jewish children on the kinder
    transport as they escaped from Germany. The crafted objects, such as a
    roll of scripture in a silver fish case, reveal something of the soul
    of the craftsman. The children's toys likewise still carry the marks
    of the soul of their owner. But there at least are the memorials of
    survivors. It is impossible ever to forget the sight at Auschwitz of
    children's toys taken from those killed in the camp. Who can speak
    of what they signify of pain and degradation?

    "The Jewish Museum presents an overview of Jewish life in Britain
    starting with immigrations first recorded in 1066. There is no Paul
    Celan or Etty Hillesum telling the story of medieval Jews in Britain.

    However, the timeline on the wall preserves an important memorial
    of events now almost completely lost to public awareness - who can
    now tell the full story of the blood libel case surrounding William
    of Norwich in the 12th century or of King Edward's expulsion of all
    Jews from England? If the stories are not told over and again, we
    lose the memory of those who suffered and we risk losing something
    that protects our humanity.

    "On this 2011 Holocaust Memorial Day I commend for our remembrance
    the untold stories of Jewish people living in Britain during the
    medieval era, those of the Holocaust and the stories from the genocidal
    tragedies of many other contexts in our deeply damaged world today."

    From: A. Papazian