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Serzh Sargsyan: Azerbaijan Only Country In OSCE Area Boasting Manifo

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Azerbaijan Only Country In OSCE Area Boasting Manifo

    Jan 27 2011

    Humanitarian problems in Nagorno-Karabakh dispute can be addressed
    only after a political solution to the conflict is found, Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan stated in an interview with 'Echo' of Moscow.

    According to him, it is difficult to expect any significant results
    in solving humanitarian issues at this time.

    "When I speak of long-term peace, I am referring to some change
    in people's psychology. There is such anti-Armenian rhetoric and
    xenophobia in Azerbaijan that even a new phrase has appeared -all
    Armenian plottings. Azeris have blamed Armenians for all their
    problems, starting from refugees to an iron malfunctioning in their
    house. The humanitarian issues could have been and needed to be
    discussed in 1995, after the truce was signed. It was a very good
    opportunity for us to somehow try to forget the grief. However,
    the Azerbaijani leadership chose another path; they considered it a
    respite and began to arm. They waited for a good time when they would
    earn a lot of petrodollars and could afford to buy weapons and could
    resolve the issue by force," Sargsyan said.

    "Azerbaijan is the only country in OSCE area that boasts a large
    increase in its military spending. It is rather unclear to me.

    Actually, to tell you the truth, it is clear. I understand the OSCE
    members' position but not that of the world powers who always say peace
    should be established in Karabakh and all issues should be resolved
    peacefully. These are good words, but only declarations are signed
    when there is a gap between words and deeds. We signed the Treaty
    on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, in which quotas have been
    set. I understand the complexities of the treaty and some countries'
    attitude towards the treaty. But either we must say the agreement
    does not exist, or should we call on colleagues and members of the
    organization to comply with treaty commitments," the President noted.

    Serzh Sargsyan also referred to the possible resumption of hostilities,
    stressing that this is the most undesirable way. "To tell you the
    truth, we have no choice. Only our desire to resolve the conflict
    peacefully is not enough. If there is no other way out, we will find
    ourselves in the situation of the early 90's. We should protect our
    population by any means," he said.

    "I remember the situation in the period of 1988 to 1994 very well,
    when many did not spare efforts to say that in the case of large-scale
    military operations, Azeris will have tea in Stepanakert or someone
    will wash his feet in Sevan within a few days. Thank God it did not
    happen, because we protected our land, families and homes.

    In 1994, Azerbaijan was simply forced to ask for a truce. In 1993,
    four UN Security Council resolutions demanded that the hostilities
    be stopped immediately, and Azerbaijan failed to do so. Now they
    claim that Armenia failed to comply with these resolutions. However,
    the international community knows that it did not depend on us. We
    defended ourselves."

    "I have repeatedly stated that we are against a war, but that doesn't
    mean we are afraid of it. If by some miracle Karabakh was under
    Azerbaijani control even for an hour, there would be no Armenian left
    there. We must protect our population using any means necessary,"
    the President stressed.

    From: A. Papazian