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BAKU: Armenians, residing in NK, want to live by Azerbaijani laws

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  • BAKU: Armenians, residing in NK, want to live by Azerbaijani laws, Azerbaijan
    Jan 29 2011

    Armenians, residing in Nagorno Karabakh, want to live by Azerbaijani laws
    Sat 29 January 2011 08:15 GMT | 10:15 Local Time

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is well aware that his thoughts are
    far from the reality.
    He should realize that the sooner the occupied lands of Azerbaijan are
    liberated, the better it will be for them, chief of the Azerbaijani
    community of Nagorno Karabakh Bayram Safarov said.

    Ruling party of Azerbaijan reports that according to Safarov, on the
    background of Azerbaijan's rapid development, Armenia is further

    `Crisis in Armenia will further strengthen. Therefore, people leave
    this country, the Armenian population is decreasing. Armenians,
    residing in Nagorno Karabakh, want to live by Azerbaijani laws.
    Ordinary Armenians witness the development of Azerbaijan and want to
    see the same development in their lives. But the leadership of the
    occupier-country does not give this opportunity. I think the Armenian
    leadership will have to reconcile with it sooner or later. In the face
    of Azerbaijan's strengthening might, such people as Sargsyan grow even
    meaner', he said.

    From: A. Papazian