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Armenia, Ukraine to cooperate in medicine field

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  • Armenia, Ukraine to cooperate in medicine field

    Armenia, Ukraine to cooperate in medicine field

    July 3, 2011 - 17:02 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The Health Care Ministries of Armenia and Ukraine
    signed a cooperation program in the field of medicine for 2011-2013.
    The respective program was signed in the presence of Presidents of
    Armenia and Ukraine, Serzh Sargsyan and Viktor Yanukovich, within the
    framework of the Armenian leader's visit to Kiev.

    Also, the parties signed a protocol on alterations and supplements in
    the intergovernmental agreement on air communication, a protocol on
    alterations in the intergovernmental cooperation agreement, minutes of
    the fifth sitting of the Ukrainian-Armenian intergovernmental
    commission for economic cooperation, according to GIGA Mir.
