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Ararat 3 Stars cognac, `Kilikia' beer and Nemiroff vodka most popula

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  • Ararat 3 Stars cognac, `Kilikia' beer and Nemiroff vodka most popula

    Mediamax, Armenia
    July 1 2011

    Research: Ararat 3 Stars cognac, `Kilikia' beer and Nemiroff vodka are
    the most popular beverages in Armenia

    Friday 1 July 2011 17:03

    The most popular cognac in Armenia is "Ararat 3 Stars', which is
    preferred by 17.8% of the polled.

    Mediamax reports that the results of the research on spirit consumers'
    behavior in Armenia, held by M-Info Company, evidence this.

    The most preferred wine brand amongst consumers in Armenia is Areni
    (31,8%, irrelevant to specific producer). Most preferred beer is
    Kilikia (21%), most preferred vodka is Nemiroff (8,2%)

    These are the results of the consumer survey performed by M-Info,
    marketing and business consulting agency, based on face to face
    interviews conducted with randomly selected 500 respondents, who have
    been absolutely free in their choice.

    `Our primary goal has been somewhat unique for Armenian market. We did
    not want to reveal the alcohol consumption volumes per type and brand,
    those are known and tracked by the market participants. We wanted to
    understand consumers' preferences, their brand perception, the level
    of brand recognition, price/quality perceptions. Hence results our
    research may not correlate with actual sales volumes, however while
    comparing our results with the sales volumes one can see misbalances
    between the `passive demand' and `active supply' per specific product,
    as well as role of the price elasticity in that', Director of M-Info
    Company Mariam Simonyan said.
