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Nagorno-Karabakh: the story of hatred

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh: the story of hatred

    The Voice of Russia
    July 3 2011

    Nagorno-Karabakh: the story of hatred

    Kudashkina Ekaterina Jul 3, 2011 11:12 Moscow Time

    Interview with Sabina Frazer, Director of the European program with
    the International Crisis Group.

    Of course, the Kazan Summit was a big disappointment. This is
    especially because the co-chairs before the summit, had expressed a
    great deal of hope and optimism that there would be an agreement on
    the basic principles at this summit. And the fact that the sides
    couldn't agree on the basic principles is very disappointing. But even
    the statement that they did sign is quite worrying, because it says
    that the two sides have agreed to certain issues, which makes us
    assume that there are other issues that they fundamentally disagree
    on. So, it's not about language in the text or about temporary
    disagreement - but it's really still fundamental issues that separate
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. And I think that here we have to go back to
    the origins of the conflict. Where the two sides fundamentally
    disagree is on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. For the Armenian side,
    they want to have an agreement where the right to self-determination
    and secession of Nagorno-Karabakh will be clear and, on the other
    hand, for the Azerbaijani site, they want to make sure that
    Nagorno-Karabakh will continue to remain inside the borders of
    Azerbaijan or, if it does get independence, this will be once the rest
    of Azerbaijan agrees to that. So, fundamentally, there is a very clear
    disconnect between the sides, and the co-chairs have been trying to
    deal with it by saying let's have an interim status and postponements
    of any kind of vote on Nagorno-Karabakh status. But, on the one hand,
    it would be a very good solution, the solution that I believe the
    co-chairs should continue to promote - but what we see is that neither
    Azerbaijan nor Armenia are willing to go for that. And it was clear
    prior to Kazan that they had not been trying to inform their people
    and to convince their people that the solution was necessary. And I
    think it's also very worrying that we still see very radical rhetoric
    coming particularly from Baku, but also in Armenia. In Armenia we see
    that people are less and less willing to consider full withdrawal from
    the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh. That is also a very
    worrying trend. So, it is clear that, if there is going to be an
    agreement on Nagorno-Karabakh, the presidency in both Azerbaijan and
    Armenia has to be much clearer in public, in Baku and in Yerevan,
    explain to people that this agreement is necessary to avoid a future

    What do you think is the major problem why they come to terms? This is
    an area where people lived side by side - Armenians and Azerbaijanis -
    and it wasn't as explosive as it is now. So, why that happened?

    Armenians and Azerbaijanis have lived side by side for four centuries.
    But we have a situation of 20 years of separation, where there are a
    large number of IDPs, there is territory that is occupied. In addition
    to that there has been a very negative rhetoric, where people were
    brought up basically hating each other. And it's going to take years
    for people to change that and to again feel trust and confidence with
    each other. That is why it is clear that, unless the president makes
    it very clear to the population that something is changed and it is
    necessary to reach an agreement now, it is going to be very difficult
    for there to be public support for any compromise.

    As I spoke to a number of analysts, they were telling me that there
    are some fears that the whole situation might explode again. I have my
    doubt. How do you see that?

    I am also concerned that there is a possibility that a war will start
    again. If this negotiation process fails, it will put us in a very
    precarious situation. I believe that Russian President Medvedev has
    played a very important role over the past couple of years. And it's
    now questionable whether or not, in the election period, he will be
    able to continue playing such a hands-on role. But it's also prone
    with the French and the Americans who are also going to have elections
    soon. So, if we don't get an agreement in the coming couple of months,
    it's clear that the negotiations are going to go onto the backburner.
    Without an active negotiations process, it's going to encourage both
    sides to think more about military conflict. Of course, both countries
    are spending more and more money on purchasing military equipment.
    And, when you start doing that, the kind of natural tendency is to
    have a desire to use it. So, what I'd be worried about is even if
    neither Baku nor Yerevan are planning the offensive tomorrow then a
    war may start by accident, because of this increased belligerent
    rhetoric, increased weaponry that is on the ground and this kind of
    natural tendency to want to try it out.

    Wouldn't it be absolutely crazy, with Azerbaijan looking to expand its
    ties with NATO, and NATO, as far as I know, has got serious
    reservations about nations with inner conflict, on the one hand? And
    then on both nations are looking at expanding their ties with the EU.
    Once the war starts, all their hopes would be dashed.

    Correct. I think neither Azerbaijan nor Armenia are too keen to join
    NATO right now. Of course, they are keen on increasing their ties with
    NATO, but NATO membership is very far down the line. The same thing is
    with the EU. None of the countries of the South Caucasus has a clear
    EU membership commitment. So, it's very difficult for either NATO or
    the EU to really put pressure on Azerbaijan or Armenia to resist a
    war, because they don't have anything to offer, no clear `carrot' of
    either NATO or EU membership for these two countries

    How about economic considerations? Because as far as I understand Baku
    is home to considerable oil and gas interests.

    It is true that, if Azerbaijan went to war, this would undermine their
    capacity to export oil and gas. On one hand, it's possible that the
    reserves of Azerbaijan will start to diminish, and as they will have
    less of the qualms to go to war, because they will have less oil and
    gas to export, but also I think that they feel this could be a quick
    war, and that they could take back one or three of the occupied
    territories in a few days, and that this wouldn't have a direct effect
    on their pipelines. The second is wrong calculus, because the
    Armenians are also prepared to retaliate. So, if a war starts, I don't
    think it will be a short war. It will be something that will last
    numerous months and years, which would have an impact on Azerbaijan's
    ability to export its reserves.

    Did you travel there?

    Yes, I've been to Karabakh. I haven't been there for some time, I have
    to admit. It was a few years ago that I was there. But I did go there,
    so I've seen the realities on the ground. And one additional element
    that we don't talk about is the people of Karabakh itself - both
    Karabakh Azeris and Karabakh Armenians. It's clear that if there was
    an agreement on basic principles, it would be necessary to include
    them more in how to implement this agreement and how to reach a
    Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The process is that first there should
    be the basic principles and after that the sides will have to sit down
    and talk about the details and sign Comprehensive Peace Agreement. For
    that, you'll need input from Karabakhsis themselves, both the Armenian
    and Azeris, because they will obviously play a key role in the

    What is their sentiment?

    Their sentiment, especially of Karabakh Armenians is in more hard-line
    than the sentiment in Yerevan, because they feel the security threats
    more clearly. That is why for any peace agreement to work, it will
    have to have very clear security guarantees, there will need to be
    deployment of international peacekeepers, so that way people living in
    Karabakh could feel more confident with the situation. That is also
    why the interim status is so important - because, again, the people of
    Karabakh would be able to feel that they have a status, not a
    full-fledged independent status, but something that would allow them,
    for example, to be represented abroad and to be able to talk with
    countries outside the region.
