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Turkish foreign policy: Where to next?

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  • Turkish foreign policy: Where to next?

    New Europe
    July 3 2011

    Turkish foreign policy: Where to next?

    Author: Demir Murat Seyrek and Amanda Paul
    3 July 2011 - Issue : 942

    The proactive approach of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development
    Party (AKP) to foreign policy making has changed traditional dynamics
    and taken Turkey to a totally different level of influence and power
    in its neighbourhood over the last few years. Nowadays Turkey has
    developed a far more independent foreign policy than hitherto. While
    maintaining strong links with the West, being a long time member of
    NATO, Ankara has begun to consider the national interests of the
    Turkey first and foremost which was not always the case in the past.
    This independent approach has raised the eyebrows of many western
    experts who interpret this as the West losing Turkey, as Ankara
    becomes increasing engaged in its other neighbourhoods, most
    particularly the Middle East. Some explain this `shift' as a natural
    result of Turkey's growing influence in the region, while others have
    described it as the imperialist concept of `neo-Ottomanism', which
    refers to the increasing involvement of Turkey in the former
    territories of the Ottoman Empire, including the Balkans, Middle East,
    and North Africa.

    While the AKP's third landslide victory, taking almost 50% of the vote
    at the 12th June Parliamentary elections, is expected to have several
    implications for Turkey's domestic politics, whether this success will
    take Turkey further away from the West or result in better dialogue
    and cooperation between the West and Ankara on foreign policy issues
    still remains to be seen. Although the AKP's main foreign policy
    dynamics are unlikely to change, regional developments, including the
    recent uprising in Syria, may force Turkey to have closer cooperation
    and dialogue with western allies, particular the US.

    Presently, Syria represents the first foreign policy challenge of
    AKP's third term. The once close relationship between Turkish Prime
    Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad,
    came to an end following al-Assad's failure to introduce expected
    reforms and the on-going brutal attacks on civilians by the security
    forces. Sharing a border with Syria means that Turkey is one of the
    first countries to be directly affected by chaos and instability, and
    this fact therefore rules out the possibility of maintaining a
    low-profile as has been the case with Libya. Turkey's policy on
    Syria, and the level of coordination with its Western allies in
    building this policy, has consequences for Turkey's relations with the
    West and Israel. Moreover, potential regime change in Syria increases
    concern in Iran, which is starting to take a more critical approach
    towards Turkey's deepening role in Syria. In this respect, the Syrian
    crisis may act as a litmus test for the reshaping of foreign policy
    dynamics in this region: on the one hand, dialogue between Turkey and
    Iran may run into trouble, while on the other, it may create an
    opportunity for rapprochement between Turkey and Israel.

    The future of Turkey-Israel relations is another important issue. US
    attempts to `reset' Turkey-Israel relations prior to the elections
    came as no surprise. With developments in the Arab world, and Iran's
    nuclear programme bringing instability to the region, the US desires
    an end to the tensions between its two democratic, reliable and stable
    allies. Thus, we should expect an increasing amount of American
    diplomacy to reconcile Turkey and Israel in the coming period. AKP's
    efforts to prevent a second flotilla incident can be viewed as a
    consequence of this. It would be naïve to expect the reestablishment
    of strong ties between Turkey and Israel in short and mid-term.
    However, normalization of relations and Turkey's return to the
    negotiation table in the Middle East as a mediator may be expected.

    Turkish-US relations may also enter a new era following the Arab
    Spring. While Washington has recently taken a critical approach
    towards several issues in Turkey, including media freedom and freedom
    of expression, mutual strategic interests and the increasing regional
    role of Turkey may re-strengthen the strategic ties between two old
    allies. The US needs Turkey's support and consistent approach on
    Syria and Iran while Turkey needs concrete steps from the US in
    eliminating terror camps in the Northern Iraq while at the same time
    making greater efforts into solving the Kurdish issue in a peaceful
    way through domestic reforms.

    While expectation for re-strengthening Turkish-American relations are
    high, the same cannot be said for EU-Turkey relations which are set to
    remain deadlocked unless there is a change vis-à-vis the decades old
    Cyprus problem or from the leadership of those countries (in
    particular France and Germany) that are opposed to Turkish membership.

    There are currently eighteen negotiating chapters frozen due to vetoes
    by France, Germany and Cyprus. While France and Germany block for
    political reasons, Cyprus blocks due to Turkey's failure to fully meet
    it's Custom's Union (the Additional Protocol) obligations and open its
    airspace and harbours to the Republic of Cyprus. Turkish policy has
    always been to link the implementation of the Additional Protocol to
    the EU delivering on the commitments it made to Turkish Cypriots in
    the aftermath of the 2004 Annan Plan Referendum for the reunification
    of Cyprus, when Turkish Cypriots voted `yes' while Greek Cypriots
    voted `no'. The EU offered Turkish Cypriots an economic deal which
    included a Direct Trade Regulation, but it has never materialized due
    to Greek Cypriot opposition.

    With such a big mandate, Erdogan could now take steps and extend the
    Additional Protocol. This would immediately unblock 8 chapters, boost
    Turkey's credibility and take way some of the ammunition used by those
    opposed to Turkish accession. However, Ankara is unlikely to do this
    as long as the EU makes no effort to demonstrate commitment to Turkish
    membership. Given that nowadays the EU remains bogged down with the
    Euro-crisis, has had a negative reaction to immigrants coming from
    North Africa, and seems to lack any vision at all, it does not seem
    likely that a `reset of talks' is about to happen.

    Turkey would also probably welcome an opportunity to reopen
    rapprochement talks with Armenia, which collapsed last year,
    principally as a result of Turkey's decision to link it to progress on
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    (following pressure from Baku) which was not part of the agreement
    negotiated between Yerevan and Ankara. Given that Erdogan has already
    underlined the importance of Azerbaijan for Turkey, it is unlikely he
    will risk upsetting Baku again. For Turkey to have a real role in the
    region Ankara first needs to concentrate on implementing `zero
    problems' within regional countries. Therefore, as long as Turkey
    does not normalise relations with Armenia, Ankara will be unable to
    have such a role.

    While Turkey's new approach to foreign policy is aimed at making
    Turkey a significant regional player, Turkey also want to go beyond
    this and Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu took several
    initiatives in different regions of the world, over the last two
    years. Turkey continues to strengthen ties with Russia, Ukraine and
    China while also quickly moving into Africa and even South America.

    Although there is no doubt Turkey is playing an increasingly important
    role in its region, Ankara needs to be careful not to spread itself
    too thinly by trying to be everything to everyone. Regional
    developments may require Turkey to focus on a few strategic issues,
    which may have direct consequences for Turkey and the regional
    balance. Furthermore, while Turkey has positioned itself as an
    active regional player it has not managed to solve any of the most
    thorny regional issues (Cyprus, Armenian issue, the Aegean issue, Iran
    nuclear issue, the Middle East conflict). If not final solutions, at
    least some concrete improvements in some of these issues will be
    required in order to preserve the consistency and validity of `zero
    problems with neighbours' and `pro-active foreign policy' approaches
    of AKP.

    Demir Murat Seyrek (Managing Partner of Glocal Communications) Amanda
    Paul (Policy Analyst for the European Policy Centre in Brussels).
