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Catherine Ashton: Continuation Of The Status Quo Is Unacceptable

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  • Catherine Ashton: Continuation Of The Status Quo Is Unacceptable

    07.07.2011 12:19

    "Efforts to find an agreement on the Basic Principles must continue,
    and I welcome the fact that both parties have re-committed themselves
    to the diplomatic process and to finding a peaceful solution," EU
    High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine
    Ashton told MEPs at the European Parliament.

    "But we need to see more than that in the coming months. The parties
    need to redouble their efforts to find an agreement before the end of
    this year. This would then happen before domestic priorities take over
    in 2012: elections in Armenia in 2012, and in Azerbaijan in 2013,"
    she said.

    Ashton stressed that "a continuation of the status quo is unacceptable,
    as is any effort to resolve the conflict or influence the negotiations
    by using force, or even the threat of force."

    "The peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is a key
    strategic interest of the European Union," she said, adding that the
    settlement of the conflict would transform the South Caucasus region,
    it would pave the way towards political and regional stability,
    and new economic opportunities.

    "Borders could open not only between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also
    between Armenia and Turkey. Roads, railways and pipelines could take
    the shortest route, and tie the countries of the region more closely
    together. And the South Caucasus could finally become what it should
    have been already - a gateway between Europe and Asia. All of this is
    clearly in the interest of the European Union, too," MRs Ashton stated.

    "The EU is ready and committed to step up its efforts in support of
    the work of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs. The nature of the additional
    support that we can provide is of course a matter for consultation
    with the Minsk Group Co-Chairs and the parties. And I can assure you
    that we are holding regular consultations with them on this subject,"
    Ashton said, adding that "our most important contribution, will be
    to continue strengthen our bilateral relations with both Armenia
    and Azerbaijan."

    "We know which choice we would like the parties to make: it is the
    choice of compromise and peace," the EU High Representative concluded.

    From: A. Papazian