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Sentenced for Burning Notary's Office

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  • Sentenced for Burning Notary's Office

    Sentenced for Burning Notary's Office

    15:27, July 9, 2011

    The Court of First Instance of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative
    districts sentenced M. Batikyan to imprisonment for committing theft,
    forgery and usage of documents and seals, willful destruction of
    property, banditry and swindling and illegal carrying of weapons.

    The Court found that on December 29, 2008 at night, with V.
    Khachatryan's help, M. Batikyan organized the theft of the rubber
    layer of the seal and protective labels from the office of the notary
    G. Yengibaryan and in order to hide the theft they burned the notary's

    Later, M. Batikyan came to an agreement with N. Khachatryan, and from
    December 2008 to April 2009, they forged documents by using the above
    mentioned labels and acquired the property right of 7-8 apartments in
    Yerevan in the amount of 1,5 million USD.

    Besides, by coming to a prior agreement with H. Andreasyan and A.
    Nersisyan, on August 7, 2009 M. Batikyan broke into antiquarian M.
    Margaryan's house in Jrvezh and took property in the amount of 6 154
    970 drams.

    By the decision of the Court of First Instance of Kentron and
    Nork-Marash administrative districts made on March 26, 2011, M.
    Batikyan was found guilty according to the RA Criminal Code Articles
    38-185, part 2, point 1, 38-324, part 2, 325, part 2, 34-178, part 3,
    point 1, 175, part 3, point 1, 235, part 1 and 238, part 4, point 2
    and was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment with confiscation of
    half property.

    A. Nersisyan was found guilty according to the RA Criminal Code
    Articles 175, part 3, point 1, 235, part 1 and 238, part 4, point 2
    and was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment with confiscation of
    half property and H. Andreasyan according to the Articles 175, part 3,
    point 1 and 238, part 4, point 2 and was sentenced to 9 years of
    imprisonment with confiscation of half property.

    V. Khachatryan was found guilty according to the RA Criminal Code
    Articles 185, part 2, point 1 and 324, part 2 and was sentenced to 1,5
    years of imprisonment but he was not punishment based on the RA
    National Assembly's decision "On announcing amnesty".

    "The defense appealed the decision of the Court to the RA Court of
    Criminal Appeals", Prosecutor General's Office of RA reports.
