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NPR Transcript: Why Jose Antonio Vargas Should Leave The U.S.

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  • NPR Transcript: Why Jose Antonio Vargas Should Leave The U.S.

    National Public Radio (NPR)
    July 7, 2011 Thursday
    SHOW: Fresh Air 12:00 PM EST NPR

    Why Jose Antonio Vargas Should Leave The U.S.

    TERRY GROSS, host:

    We asked Mark Krikorian for his reaction to Jose Antonio Vargas's
    story about life as an undocumented immigrant. Krikorian is the
    executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank
    that advocates low immigration and strict enforcement. His books
    include "The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal."

    Mark Krikorian, welcome to FRESH AIR.

    Mr. MARK KRIKORIAN (Center for Immigration Studies): Thanks for having me.

    GROSS: So what do you think should happen to Jose Antonio Vargas now
    that he's admitted that he's undocumented?

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Well, it's not so much that he's undocumented, it's
    that he's an illegal immigrant. He has fraudulent documents. He has,
    he came here not as a very young child. I mean he came here as a
    child, there's no question, but his, you know, he came here as - with
    an identity formed as a Filipino. In other words, he came at what was
    the age, 12 or something like that. That's still pretty young,
    clearly, but the moral case that you can make for the Dream Act or
    something like the Dream Act, and there is a moral case to make for
    it, really only applies, it seems to me, to people whose identities
    have been formed here, who have no memory of any other country, who
    really are, as some of the advocates sometimes put it, Americans in
    all but paperwork.

    This doesn't really cover a lot of the people that would be covered
    under the current version of the Dream Act, including Mr. Vargas. The
    man has real abilities and real skills and, you know, he should go
    home to his country of citizenship, the country he grew up in for most
    of his childhood.

    GROSS: Do you think the United States should force him to go there?

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Sure. I mean he's an illegal immigrant, so obviously
    you don't have to arrest the guy. I mean it's hard for him to hide.
    There's - you give people like this something called voluntary return.
    You know, you have to leave in 90 days or in six months or something
    like that. So you pack up your things. You resolve your affairs and
    you can go home. I mean he's got a skill that's clearly usable in much
    of the world, including the Philippines. They have large numbers of
    English language media. The man has real skills and real abilities and
    he ought to use those in his own country.

    GROSS: The argument, one of the arguments on the other side is, look
    at how bright he is, how skilled he is, how articulate he is. Why
    wouldn't we want him to remain in the United States? Isn't that
    exactly the kind of talent that we want here?

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: But see, the argument, it seems to me the strongest
    case you can make for something like the Dream Act, which he's now
    started an advocacy group to promote - in fact, his New York Times
    article really was part of his advocacy campaign. It wasn't a kind of
    spontaneous, you know, baring of his soul. The strongest argument you
    can make for something like the Dream Act, as I said, is for people
    who prudence suggests we should allow stay because their identities
    had been formed here, they really are, psychologically speaking,
    Americans. Because understand that what we're proposing here is an
    amnesty. We are in other words legalizing illegal immigrants at the
    expense of legal immigrants who did not sneak in or were brought in
    illegally into the country, and that - it seems to me that's a pretty
    high bar to meet.

    And it just doesn't seem to me to say this man has or any person
    involved here has certain skills and they'll be able to, you know,
    they'll be able to earn a living. They'll be able to distinguish
    themselves. That's just not, it seems to me, not enough of a rationale
    to forgive violation of the immigration laws with all the consequences
    that come from that.

    GROSS: So if Jose Antonio Vargas were to stay in the United States and
    to actually proceed on the road to citizenship, who would that be

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Well, in any individual case, who knows? This is like
    to say if, you know, does any individual snowflake hurt anybody? Well,
    no individual snowflake is responsible for the avalanche. And it's
    hard, there's no way you can say this person, you can identify this
    person and do a news story on him, who was harmed by permitting a
    particular illegal immigrant to stay. Because the effects that illegal
    immigration has is more diffuse, it's on a whole variety of - whether
    it's taxpayers, whether it's students who can't get into, say, a
    community college because an illegal immigrant under the Dream Act
    took that space. So the effects and the harm is very real.

    GROSS: What are some of your other concerns about the Dream Act? You
    mentioned one. You think that only people who came here illegally when
    they were infants or very young children should qualify for the Dream
    Act, people who didn't already have any identity as a native of their
    country. Other concerns?

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Well, the other concerns stem from actually legalizing
    or amnestying the kind of people you're describing. In other words,
    even if we were to reduce the - lower the age at which a person had to
    come here first to qualify, say to age seven, but even in that
    situation, this is still an amnesty. You have to be honest about it
    and I'm for it under certain circumstances but it is an amnesty and
    amnesties have two important consequences. One is they encourage
    further illegal immigration by sending a message that if you keep your
    head down long enough, eventually you or your children or somebody
    will be able to get legal status. It serves as a kind of magnet for
    new illegal immigration.

    And the second effect that all amnesties have is that they reward
    people who broke the law. And so the two important things that any
    Dream Act 2.0 would have to deal with would be these questions. One,
    what kind of enforcement measures would you add to a bill like this?
    And then secondly, how do you make sure that none of the adults
    involved ever are able to benefit from this? In other words, by being
    allowed to stay legally somehow or another, being petitioned for a
    green card, that sort of thing.

    For instance, with regard to that problem, there's really two ways you
    can address it. One is you legalize the kids but you don't give them
    green cards so that they can become citizenship. You give them some
    kind of long-term non- immigrant visa, it's called. In other words,
    like a temporary visa but one that's renewable indefinitely as long as
    you stay out of trouble. That way they wouldn't be able to petition
    for any relatives.

    The alternative is you change the whole chain migration system with
    the categories that we have now so that you would reduce, sort of
    narrow the definition of relatives that you could actually petition,
    that anybody could petition. The whole point, though, is to minimize
    the downstream effects and the downstream rewards that the amnesty
    would create for adults who really were responsible for breaking the

    GROSS: Now, you describe your think tank, the Center for Immigration
    Studies, as a low immigration pro-enforcement think tank. What does
    that mean?

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Well, it means that we think numbers overall,
    immigration numbers overall should be reduced. Enforcement is part of
    that, but it's only part of it. People often focus just on illegal
    immigration and illegal immigration is obviously a significant
    problem, but our take on it really is that a modern society has no
    need for any immigration. We don't actually need immigration. I mean
    our land is settled. We're an industrialized, postindustrial society.
    And so the question is, we need to start, from our perspective, start
    at zero, like zero-based budgeting, and then say are there groups of
    people whose admission is so compelling that we let them in despite
    the fact there's no need for this sort of thing? And not to give you
    the long spiel on it, but that would amount to husbands, wives and
    little kids of U.S. citizens, who've never been limited in the past,
    aren't ever going to be limited in the future. But that's a lot of
    people. That's 350, 400 thousand people right there, handful of
    Einsteins, real Einsteins, and a modest number of real refugees who
    will really never have anywhere else to go.

    GROSS: But America is really a country of immigrants. It's a country
    based on immigration. My grandparents were immigrants. What about your

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Sure, mine were too. I mean I didn't even speak English
    until I went to kindergarten because my parents, even though they were
    born here, spoke Armenian to me and English to each other. I mean, you
    know, a lot of us obviously had immigrant origin, but to say that
    America is a nation of immigrants is only partly true. We're a, we are
    partly a nation of immigrants but a number of things have formed what
    we are. We're also a nation of settlers and pioneers. But you know, we
    don't have covered wagons crossing the Great Plains anymore. And the
    idea that immigration, which was an important element of the second
    half of the 19th century, informing who we are as a country now is
    somehow essential to our sort of sense of self indefinitely into the
    future, it just strikes me as anachronistic.

    GROSS: I'm sure a lot of people are thinking here's a guy whose
    grandparents were immigrants, his family has benefited from all
    America has to offer, and now that he's American he wants to shut the
    door to a lot of other people in - who are now in comparable

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: There are in fact a lot of people in comparable
    positions to my grandparents and yours, but America is not in a
    comparable position. Well, the difference really is from 100 years
    ago, is not really the immigrants. They're really not that different
    today from my grandparents and yours. What's different is our country.
    I mean we have matured as a nation. We've become a middle-aged
    country, if you will. And I can say this, having just turned 50
    myself. We've outgrown mass immigration. It was an important part of
    our adolescence. just as settling the frontier was, but you know,
    we've left it behind.

    An analogy I used in my book - actually, my editor made me take it out
    so I always bring it up every time I talk about it, is to donuts. When
    you're 11 years old, you eat all the donuts your parents will let you
    eat and they're probably good for you at that point. When you're 50
    years old, you can't eat donuts like that anymore. There's nothing
    wrong with the donuts. They're the same doughnuts. But your metabolism
    has changed and our body politics' metabolism has changed
    significantly so that we need to now start looking at what's good for
    our grandchildren, not what was good for our grandparents.

    GROSS: I know - I know your group is very concerned about immigration
    from Mexico, particularly illegal immigration from Mexico. I don't
    know if you saw the article in The New York Times this week that began
    by saying the extraordinary Mexican migration that delivered millions
    of illegal immigrants to the United States over the past 30 years has
    sputtered to a trickle, and research points to a surprising cause -
    unheralded changes in Mexico that have made staying home more

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Yes, I did read that, and I think that's part of what's
    happening, is Mexican fertility. You know, the number of kids that the
    average woman has has declined dramatically. It's about the same as it
    is for the United States now. Although when Mexicans come here, their
    birth rates go way, way up. We've reported on this in the past. But
    there's no question that changes in Mexico are part of why we see a
    smaller flow, at least for now. But it's also because of our economic
    problems, obviously, because of the violence in Mexico making actually
    traveling here, especially through the northern part of the country,
    much more dangerous, and it's because of, frankly, it is because of
    better enforcement here that has led to people thinking twice about
    crossing the border, or has led some significant number of people to
    think about packing up and going home.

    So this New York Times story from this week focused, I think, on one
    part of what we're seeing, but just one part. I think they made a
    bigger deal out of that one development than it really warrants. I
    mean my point here is that this problem has not gone away. It's not
    something that we're just going to outgrow quickly. We're going to
    have a significant pressure for immigration from Mexico for a long
    time in the future that we're going to have to respond to one way or
    another. And in a couple of years, when the economy picks up more,
    assuming we don't run into a real Depression, you're going to see
    stories, you look back at stories like this and they're not going to
    be, they're not going to age very well.

    GROSS: So do you think there should be a Dream Act at all or do you
    think there should be a Dream Act but just a narrower version of it?

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: I can see an argument for a narrower Dream Act that has
    various other things attached to it, like enforcement. Yes, I mean I
    can't speak for my organization, but if I were in Congress I
    conceivably would be able to vote for something like that. Yes.

    GROSS: Well, thank you so much for talking with us.

    Mr. KRIKORIAN: Okay. Well, happy to do it. Happy to do it. I always
    like your show.

    GROSS: Mark Krikorian is the executive director of the Center for
    Immigration Studies. You'll find a link to their website on our
