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Karabakh must be actively populated - Heritage party

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  • Karabakh must be actively populated - Heritage party, Armenia
    July 8 2011

    Karabakh must be actively populated - Heritage party

    July 07, 2011 | 12:58

    YEREVAN. - Armenian opposition Heritage party made a statement calling
    Armenian and Karabakh authorities to actively populate liberated
    territories of Nagorno-Karabagh.

    `Ilham Aliyev made another militant statement saying that Azerbaijan
    will secure its territorial integrity even through army force. Aliyev
    utters militant statements and in the meantime signs documents on
    Karabakh conflict resolution mediated by OSCE Minsk group. Those
    documents secure conflict resolution only through peace negotiations
    and exclude use or threat of force. Thus, nothing holds Armenian side
    back from starting the process of populating liberated territories of

    Heritage party calls Armenian and Karabakh authorities to start
    collaboratively the process of populating Karabakh and in liberated
    territories reunited to it. This is especially important based on the
    fact that there are many Armenians who leave the country without
    having necessary conditions to live. Authorities should help those
    people to reside in Karabakh by securing sufficient conditions for
    life. Moreover, 10,000 people should reside there annually.

    We call the authorities to accelerate the process based on
    Azerbaijan's another violation of a point in the document signed by
    Baku, which can be either militant statement or snipers' shots at the
    contact-line. Moreover, populating Karabakh is not a violation from
    Armenian side, and can be accepted as the best way to lessen tense by
    Baku in the region,' the statement reads.
