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TBILISI: Discord between ruling administration and Georgian church

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  • TBILISI: Discord between ruling administration and Georgian church

    The Messenger, Georgia
    July 9 2011

    Discord between ruling administration and Georgian church

    By Messenger Staff Friday, July 8

    At the last session before its holiday, the Georgian parliament
    granted legal status of public law to all religious faiths which were
    acknowledged by the Council of Europe. Up to 70 representatives of the
    ruling party in the parliament voted unanimously for this decision
    despite protests from the opposition as well as Georgian Patriarchate.
    The latter was against such a hasty adoption of the law and demanded
    public discussion and analysis of the conditions before adopting the
    amendment in the civil code.

    The events in the parliament developed at Guinness record speed. The
    decision took place in Tbilisi when neither President Saakashvili nor
    chair of the parliament Bakradze were in the capital. On July 1
    parliament adopted the draft law at the first hearing. On July 4 the
    Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II spread a statement where he
    was expressing his surprise for the decision of the parliament to
    accept such a serious document in a speedy way without solid public

    The Patriarchate asked for public discussion involving the whole
    nation. The ruling team ignored this request and on the very next day
    on July 5 held the second and third hearings and adopted the code. The
    major question which now arises for Georgian society is why was the
    position of the Patriarchate not considered by the ruling forces? And
    why was it approved in such an unusually accelerated manner? On a
    superficial level certain highlights are outlined.

    Some days ago Georgia was visited by Armenian Catholicos Garegin II
    and during this meeting with the Georgian Patriarch he asked Ilia II
    to provide his followers the same judicial status of a legal entity of
    Public law. Ilia II responded that Georgia would like to receive the
    same status in Armenia in return. So the deal was not concluded. Just
    a few days later the Armenian foreign minister came to Tbilisi and, as
    it turned out, during his meeting with his Georgian counterpart the
    Armenian FM addressed the same issue.Is it just a coincidence that
    this visit was followed by this hasty adoption of a new law and the
    subsequent granting of extra status to foreign churches? It also
    became known through some unconfirmed sources that president
    Saakashvili promised Garegin II to make the abovementioned decision.
    The Georgian media is now openly speculating about the "cold war"
    between the rose administration and the Georgian Orthodox Church.

    The adoption of this law without carrying out public debates and
    therefore ignoring the position of Patriarchate gave ground to the
    media and analysts to announce an `attack' on the authority of the
    Georgian church. On the same day, July 5, the Patriarchate released
    the statement that the adopted amendments contradict the Georgian
    church and the country's interests as well and that this law will
    yield negative results very quickly.

    Nobody should doubt that Georgia should comply to Western standards
    but it should be done in a democratic way.

    Some opposition parties asked President Saakashvili to veto its
    decision however the document has already been signed by the
    President. As some analysts have said, this step was taken by
    Saakashvili and his team to confirm to the westerners their commitment
    and loyalty to its western liberal-democratic image in order to
    receive support for the forthcoming elections in the hope that the
    west will turn a blind eye to any manipulations from the ruling power
    during these elections
