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Who Embezzled $2.7 Million? Accused Wants Proof

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  • Who Embezzled $2.7 Million? Accused Wants Proof


    The trial in the criminal case against Hayincassatsia CJSC employees
    Anahit Grigoryan, Satenik Sargsyan, Aghavni Khachatryan, Armine and
    Arman Grigoryan, and Sargis Danielyan continued in the Court of First
    Instance of Arabkir and Qanaqer-Zeytoun Administrative Districts of
    Yerevan on Monday.

    Note, it's been over a year that Anahit Grigoryan and Satenik Sargsyan
    have been in the Abovyan penitentiary. During one of the previous
    lawsuits, the representatives of the accused motioned to change the
    precautionary measure since both have serious health issues; the court,
    however, did not sustain the motion.

    Grigoryan's attorney Varduhi Elbakyan, speaking to Monday,
    said this criminal case is launched on an opinion of Armenia's
    Central Bank.

    "The Central Bank came to the opinion that Anahit Grigoryan embezzled
    around one billion drams [around $2.7 million USD] between 2003 and
    2009. Let me say, that during that entire time, inspections were
    carried out and at no time was a breach uncovered by either the
    auditors or the tax inspectorate," she said.

    Only the plaintiff's representative, Hayincassatsia CJSC lawyer
    Liana Mkhitaryan, was examined during Monday's trial. The defense
    asked Mkhitaryan where she got the information that she gave at her
    pre-trial testimony that Anahit Grigoryan stole that money.

    Mkitaryan said that was how it was written in the investigator's
    decision. Asked whether anyone guided her while writing her testimony
    and who was present at the time, Mkhitaryan said accused Armen
    Grigoryan and an additional 4 people were present while she was writing
    her testimony, while the investigator showed her how to write it.

    Anahit Grigoryan also directed several questions to the witness,
    who promised a comprehensive response at the next court hearing.

    In addition, Grigoryan made a statement in court which she noted,
    "Absent in the investigation materials are inspection acts invoked
    in the work of any Central Bank working group and written findings
    based on expert justifications by any inspection organization, the
    finance ministry, the tax inspectorate, the labor inspectorate, the
    pension fund, the state registry and other state bodies, as well as
    any auditing organization regarding the veracity of the embezzlement
    of one billion drams. I hope that until I give my testimony in court,
    a written document by any substantiated inspection organization
    testifying to the embezzlement of one billion drams will be finally
    shown to me."

    At the end of the trial, Grigoryan's attorney said that no
    substantiated motion put forth by the defense has been sustained by
    Judge Levon Avetisyan and the entire trial process is dictated from
    orders above.
