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Armenian Leaders Place Hopes In Farm Reforms

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  • Armenian Leaders Place Hopes In Farm Reforms

    By Naira Melkumyan

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting IWPR
    July 10, 2011

    Government offers cheap loans and tax-free fertiliser, but farmers
    say it isn't enough.

    CRS Issue 595, 10 Jun 11

    Armenia's government expects to see dramatic improvements to the
    agriculture sector thanks to a raft of reforms adopted after last
    year's poor harvest, but farmers themselves remain sceptical.

    "Last year, no one brought in a decent harvest, and in general
    agriculture is in a depressed state," Hrant Arakelyan, who has a
    ten-hectare farm in the village of Lusarat in the southern Ararat
    region, told IWPR. "Conditions are very difficult in the villages,
    and farmers cannot consider themselves secure."

    in 2010, farmers were hit by high prices for water, pesticides and
    machinery rental.

    Most of the 330,000 farms that emerged from Armenia's privatisation
    process are small, consisting of at just one or two hectares of land,
    and they find it hard to absorb unexpected costs.

    The result was a 12 per cent year-on-year increase in market prices,
    with some foodstuffs like fruit retailing at four times their
    previous value.

    As Tatul Manaseryan, head of the Alternative Research Centre, explains,
    "Agriculture started getting attention once the problems had reached
    crisis point and had begun seriously affecting not just the poor and
    the middle classes, but the highest levels of government.

    They began to realise it wasn't only affecting the social and economic
    situation, but also threatening their own political authority."

    Concerned about the situation, President Serzh Sargsyan ordered his
    ministers out to the countryside to look at the causes of the problem.

    In December, he appointed a new agriculture minister, Sergo Karapetyan,
    formerly head of a food canning company, who replaced two deputy
    ministers with young graduates of Armenia's Agrarian University.

    To soften the impact of future economic blows, the government ordered
    banks to improve credit arrangements for farms and lifted sales tax
    on agricultural chemicals and other inputs.

    Despite such measures, Arakelyan said business was proving as
    unprofitable this year as in 2010.

    "Last year I spent 1.16 million drams [3,160 US dollars], and this
    year I've spent 1.25 million," he said. "My average grape harvest
    is just ten or 12 tons, at 130 drams per kilogram. That means the
    produce doesn't even pay for itself, let alone make a profit."

    Experts say many of the recommendations made last year have not
    been implemented.

    Hovsep Khurshudyan of the Armenian Centre for National and
    International Studies suspects that farmer-friendly reforms have
    run up against resistance from powerful businessmen with close ties
    to government.

    "The clash between the interests of importers and local producers is
    preventing them from pursuing real agricultural reforms. Importers now
    have control over all the levers of government, and they've created a
    vicious circle in which imports are three times as high as exports,"
    he said.

    Officials insist the reforms not just token gestures, and say that
    freeing imported agricultural machinery and chemicals from taxes had
    had a direct positive effect on food prices.

    "For the first time since independence, the Armenian farmer has sensed
    that the state is campaigning seriously and comprehensively to resolve
    the many problems with production. The ministry is increasingly
    a partner for the farmer... we can only regain the farmer's trust
    through concrete action," Agriculture Minister Karapetyan said.

    Since April, farmers have been able to get cheap loans, where the
    state covers four per cent of a 14 per cent annual interest rate,
    and an eight per cent subsidy for farmers working in highland or
    frontier areas. Last year, annual interest on the average agricultural
    loan was charged at 22 per cent. (See Armenian Farmers Face Ruin in
    Credit Crunch.)

    Although the banks have already issued more than 11 million dollars
    in these subsidised loans, farmers say they cannot borrow enough.

    "The money isn't available to everyone. I'm not complaining - I've
    had a two-year loan of 2.2 million drams under this programme, but it
    isn't enough to work the land," Arakelyan said. "We need loans not
    just for a season, but for a longer period of five to seven years,
    and bigger amounts."

    At the moment, he said, the main challenge was the high cost of
    irrigation water, currently charged at 11 drams per cubic metre.

    The agriculture ministry is forecasting ten per cent growth in farming
    production this year.

    "I'm not entirely satisfied with the pace of reform, but the process is
    continuing and I think we will end the year with positive indicators,"
    Karapetyan said.

    Naira Melkumyan is a freelance reporter in Armenia.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress