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BAKU: Baku Ready To Start Work On Peaceful Resolution Of Karabakh Co

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  • BAKU: Baku Ready To Start Work On Peaceful Resolution Of Karabakh Co

    July 13 2011

    Azerbaijan proposes Armenia to begin work on a peace agreement on
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict without further delay.

    'I believe that some progress has been made, and we can safely go to
    a peace agreement,' Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov
    said in Baku.

    Asked when Baku was ready to begin negotiations on a peace agreement
    with Armenia, the minister said: "Right today."

    "Many media outlets write that the meeting in Kazan was not successful,
    but I do not agree with this," Mammadyarov said referring to the
    Kazan meeting of presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia held
    on 24 June.

    "I agree rather with the position that, firstly, as also reflected
    in the statement of the presidents, the rapprochement did occur, and,
    secondly, we - Azerbaijan and Armenia - should continue negotiations
    with no hysterics and work on rapprochement of positions,~T the
    minister said.

    ~SMoreover, Azerbaijan is still in the same position that it were
    after Sochi in 2010. We are ready to begin drafting a peace agreement
    with the understanding of what has been achieved. Kazan allowed us
    to move forward. We understood that there are still uncoordinated
    elements, but in any case they should be reflected in the peace
    treaty, and if there is actually a free will, then let's work on it
    immediately, without waiting for the next phase of negotiations on
    basic principles,' Azerbaijani minister noted.

    "The basic principles already exist as a base, and there is an
    understanding in what direction we are moving in terms of a peaceful
    settlement. There are uncoordinated details within the basic principles
    and there is no need to triple efforts to harmonize these elements
    as they still need to be reflected in the peace agreement. So why
    make a fuss? Let~Rs work towards a peace agreement, and show the
    world our political will that we are ready to work immediately on a
    legally binding peace agreement, rather than on a political document,"
    Mammadyarov added.

    Mammadyarov also believes that the Russian military base in Gyumri
    (Armenia) will not be used against Azerbaijan.

    "We have quite high military-political cooperation with Russia,
    too. I do not think that the Russian military base in Gyumri will
    take some anti-Azerbaijani actions that are contrary to the level
    of relations between Azerbaijan and Russia," Mammadyarov said in an
    interview with Interfax.

    Commenting on development of relations between Russia and Armenia in
    the sphere of security, the Foreign Minister noted that Azerbaijan
    does not interfere "in Moscow's relations with its outpost."

    "Therefore, it is up to Russia to decide how to strengthens and
    keep its outpost. On the other hand, we certainly would like more
    transparency and openness of decisions so that things will be more
    predictable and so that everyone decides what position it takes,"
    Mammadyarov noted.

    Gabala radar

    Baku is holding talks with Moscow to reschedule Russia's Gabala radar
    station lease, the foreign minister continued.

    "Yes, negotiations are underway. The issue is being discussed."

    In any case, it was necessary to extend the document on lease of the
    station or revise it in accordance with the existing agreement on the
    Gabala radar station. "That is, life itself pushes us to reconsider
    the terms of the contract," the foreign minister stated.

    "At one time, when we just started to discuss it, and even before it,
    the Russian side came up with the initiative for Azerbaijan to give
    consent to use this station by Russia and the United States. And,
    naturally, we told that it will be our modest, perhaps, but very
    important contribution to the nonproliferation regime, and we are
    ready to discuss this topic. After several rounds of talks between
    Moscow and Washington, both parties informed us about the essence of
    the negotiations," said Mammdyarov.

    Azerbaijani foreign minister stressed that under current conditions
    the Gabala radar station is of great strategic importance "and it
    should find an adequate assessment as a strategic facility."
