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TBILISI: Armenian Church Upset With Georgian Government'S Actions On

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  • TBILISI: Armenian Church Upset With Georgian Government'S Actions On

    By Gvantsa Gabekhadze

    The Messenger
    July 14 2011

    The law regarding the religious faiths adopted lately by the Parliament
    and especially the explanation note of the law has disappointed the
    Armenian Church - founder of the Armenian community in Georgia Arnold
    Stepanian told The Messenger, on July 13.

    "The new amendments leave the registration right to the religious
    organizations but deprive them of the wider rights. The law and
    especially its explanation note directly says that on any religious
    issue we will have to talk with the Georgian church and not with
    any other institution. The consensus eased inner tension between
    the government and orthodox church, but brought serious damage
    to the Armenian church, that will not be able to apply to return
    Armenian churches, while we had certain hopes in this direction",
    Stepanian says.

    Stepanian also explained the reason why their connection with the
    Georgian Government would have been easier, "it is difficult to talk
    with the Georgian Church as it has it demands and as far as I know
    they are against delivering churches to the Armenian side, that is why
    it would be easier for us to deal with the Authorities and not with
    the Church, as the Government is a more liberal body than the church.

    To my mind, hasty adoption of the law was also related with the
    following responses of the law, as if some referendum would have been
    held on the issue, the position of the Georgian church and society
    would be negative and Georgian authorities knew this, however the
    outcome of all this was not in our interests."

    As Stepanian told The Messenger, the anti-Armenian mood has
    increased in Georgia in the last four days while the law concerned
    other religions too. Namely, Stepanian's organization registered
    38 cases, when representatives of religion, culture and politics
    had anti-Armenian protests. Stepanian says he is going to submit an
    application to the public prosecutor's office and to present the facts
    to Ilia the Second, "it is the first time we are going to appeal to
    the Holy Synod regarding the issue. At the same time, there is a newly
    opened Ethic Council within the Georgian Patriarchate (we welcome the
    existence of such a body) and we would present the facts against it.

    Herewith, we have just completed our report regarding the recent events
    and we are going to deliver it to the international organizations."

    As for the Georgian Church's position, it has several times stated
    that the issue needs discussions, the Church representatives have
    frequently mentioned that some commission should be created which
    will work on identifying which are Armenian churches and which are
    Georgian. The Georgian Church was not against adopting such a law,
    it demanded preliminary discussions on the issue and the same status
    for the Georgian Church in other countries, including Armenia.

    As analyst Gia Khukhashvili told The Messenger, the Georgian Church
    has clearly fixed its position regarding the Armenian Church and
    on the issue, from the beginning, "it has been very clearly stated
    by the Georgian Church that it was not against the law, however the
    decision should be made based on bilateral agreement, as Georgia also
    has the same problem in Armenia where there are Georgian churches. The
    Georgian Patriarchate was not against delivering churches if it is
    confirmed that they are Armenian, however the Georgian Government with
    this law has tried to leave the Patriarchate without its main lever,
    to hold negotiations and the issue was to be solved through consensus.

    Only the following actions of the society have forced the authorities
    to make an unprecedented decision." It is also unclear for the analyst
    which hopes were broken for the Armenian side, when the position of
    the Georgian Church was very obvious from the beginning, "I can say
    clearly that the Georgian authorities, by their unwise action have
    artificially created tension with Armenia, putting themselves in a
    hard situation and have also created problems for the Georgian Church.

    " The analyst also commented Stepanian's suggestion that an anti
    Armenian mood was surfacing in Georgia, "may be, in some small parts
    of Georgian society such a mood is really increasing and its growth,
    to my mind is related with the Georgian Government's unacceptable
    action, when they have tried to ignore the Georgian Church. Also, the
    actions of the Armenian Patriarch Garegin ll, during the meeting with
    Ilia ll irritated Georgian society. However, all this is emotional
    as such ill feeling is not in Georgian character and there are very
    few Georgian people who expressed protest in this way."
