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Armenian Wikipedia: Part Of A Bigger Battle

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  • Armenian Wikipedia: Part Of A Bigger Battle

    Lusine Grigoryan

    Watching the
    July 14 2011

    (This is the second installment in a series of updates from the
    WikiHistories summer research fellows, who will be studying the
    history of different non-English Wikipedia editing communities and
    publishing their findings over the course of the summer.)

    I am writing this post from a nice, cool part of Armenia called
    Ijevan, where I've come to escape from the unbearable heat of the
    capital city, Yerevan.

    Fresh air and green mountains for fresh mind.

    For the last week 40 degrees Celsius was the temperature in the city
    where over 1/3 of the population of the country lives and all the
    major developments in social life take place. I ran away from the city
    buzz for a few days to enjoy the cool air and breathtaking nature,
    which makes fieldwork fun and helps me get a fresh perspective on
    thoughts and ideas.

    But to explore the Armenian Wikipedia community you need to spend
    time in Yerevan. This is where I met some of the Wikipedians during my
    first week in Armenia: Aleksey, Maro, Rob and Mher are Wiki activists
    and contributors. We found a nice open-air cafe for the meeting:
    Armenian Wikipedia does not have any office, Wikimedia headquarters,
    or any other physical space. They are just a small community of
    people who contribute to Wikipedia in their local language and try
    to promote the movement in their country. Passion for Wikipedia is
    something they all share, but the community is quite diverse -- from
    high school students to mid-age professionals, architects, historians,
    web-developers, etc...

    About 14.000 articles, a few dozen or hundred contributors and only
    6 admins: these are the general figures about the Armenian Wikipedia
    that can be traced back to the founding of the project in 2005.

    Armenians write about their interests, idols, hobbies, but more
    intensively they share information about their country, history and
    culture. As some of Wikipedians mentioned, they would welcome more
    articles on science and innovation.

    The first wiki-meetup in Armenia took place in 2009, when the most
    active members met to put faces to

    January 2011: Armenians celebrate Wikipedia's 10th birthday!

    usernames, to talk and to share their concerns. The last official
    meeting was Wikipedia's 10th anniversary, which they celebrated with
    a symbolic cake.

    Xelgen is one of the small number of admins and active contributors.

    He is active in promoting not only Armenian Wikipedia but the Armenian
    language on the internet in general. He believes that paper is no
    longer the main medium for language; it's digital technologies, and
    the language we use on the iPad, computer, and cell phone largely
    affects the way we think.

    Xelgen (Aleksey Chalabyan in real life), thinks that having Wikipedia
    in Armenian is important to store knowledge in the local language
    and to give everyone in Armenia access to that knowledge.

    Taking into consideration overall internet usage figures, the
    Armenian-speaking audience is very limited (in Armenia about 37% of
    the population uses Internet), so many people prefer sharing English
    or Russian content to reach a wider audience. The main reason is that
    the vast majority of Armenians also speak Russian or English. Despite
    operating in Armenia, many blogs and corporate websites do not have
    an Armenian-language version. Moreover, there are lots of Armenians
    who have been living abroad for generations, many of whom don't know
    Armenian very well.

    Using Armenian on the Internet means facing certain technical issues,
    as well: Armenian still can't be used on many mobile phones and
    there is no one unified Armenian keyboard: with 39 letters and tons
    of punctuation marks, Armenians need to agree to some compromises...

    Aleksey and his friends are concerned with these tendencies and
    they feel that promoting Armenian Wikipedia will help people to feel
    more comfortable reading and writing in their local language on the
    Internet. They meet with NGOs, visit universities and schools to
    encourage young people to join them.

    During our meeting Aleksey, Maro, Rob and Mher were discussing the
    translation of words such as "fellowship" versus "scholarship,"
    "state" versus "region" versus "province" to find the right Armenian
    words for certain articles: none of them is a linguist, but getting
    the translation right is a priority for them all.

    The dominance of English on the Internet is a major issue for many
    nations, even for big ones. For small nations like Armenia, it is a
    matter of national identity, and they take the language issue very
    seriously. Armenians, who are very proud of their rich and unique
    language and 1600-year-old alphabet, consider Armenization of the
    Internet a key mission, and developing Armenian Wikipedia is a big
    part of this battle. Wikipedians are optimistic: they say that the
    number of articles has almost doubled during the last year, although
    they put stress on quality rather than quantity. Over the summer they
    also hope that many students will use their holidays to spend more
    time adding and editing articles on Armenian Wikipedia.

    From: A. Papazian