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Armenia Evangelicals Under Pressure Amid New Legislation

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  • Armenia Evangelicals Under Pressure Amid New Legislation


    July 15 2011

    YEREVAN/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Rights activists and religious groups
    in Armenia say new legislation will increase intolerance towards the
    country's evangelical Christians and other minorities, some of whom
    already face prosecution for their church activities.

    In statements obtained by BosNewsLife Friday, July 15, they criticized
    a proposed new 'Religion Law' as well as changes to the 'Law on
    Relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic
    Church' and to the Criminal and Administrative Codes.

    "In practice they would be used to repress religious organizations,"
    warned Stepan Danielyan,who represents the Yerevan-based Collaboration
    for Democracy Center.

    "This is a kind of theatrical farce," added Evangelical Pastor Rene
    Leonian in a statement distributed by rights group Forum 18.

    He spoke as his colleague, Pentecostal Pastor Vladimir Bagdasaryan, was
    preparing to hear a possible quilty verdict in a controversial trial.


    Bagdasaryan was prosecuted for allegedly "attacking" journalists
    following "false claims" in media that the suspect of killing his
    parents in the coastal city of Sevan is a Jehovah's Witness,stressed
    Forum 18, which closely monitored the case.

    The troubles began when priests of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    allegedly took a Shant TV crew to Sevan's Pentecostal Church following
    the November, 2010, murders.

    Pastor Bagdasaryan claimed he was told by a priest that they bought
    the journalists to his churchbecause "the Jehovah's Witnesses have
    no property in the town and meet in homes."

    Bagdasaryan said he tried to halt the television crew because they
    pushed their way up to the second floor after "disrespectfully"
    asking a church member about her Christian faith.

    "Seeing that repeating myself didn't result in change of their
    actions, I had to cover the camera with one hand. With my other hand
    I held the journalist's arm, leading him towards the exit. Suddenly,
    the journalist began to cry out 'why are you hitting me, why are you
    hitting me?' when in fact, I was just inviting him out gently holding
    his arm," the pastor added in a statement distributed by Forum 18.


    He reportedly said the two journalists only left after he called

    The priests then took the journalists to the, still constructed,
    nearby Apostolic Church to tell them in an interview that "sects"
    such as the Pentecostal Church "teach people to kill their parents."

    Armenian Apostolic Bishop Markos Hovhanissian has reportedly confirmed
    that two priests of his diocese took the Shant TV journalists to the
    Pentecostal Church in Sevan, but denied they initiated the broadcast.

    Christians and rights activists view the case however as a wider,
    government backed, effort to discredit religious minorities in the
    former Soviet republic.

    Pastor Bagdasaryan said the prosecutor has demanded at the trial
    that he be convicted and fined 200,000 Drams (about 540 US Dollars)
    and than be amnestied by the president. "So I won't actually have to
    pay a fine, but this means I'll still be regarded as guilty and have
    a criminal record," Pastor Bagdasaryan said. "I feel they'll find me
    guilty - everything is moving in that direction."

    From: A. Papazian