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Rumanian political scientists spoke on their goals in Yerevan

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  • Rumanian political scientists spoke on their goals in Yerevan, Armenia
    July 22 2011

    Rumanian political scientists spoke on their goals in Yerevan

    July 22, 2011 | 20:53

    YEREVAN. - Director of Programs of the Centre for East European and
    Asian Studies (CEEAS) in Bucharest George Niculescu and executive
    director of CEEAS Simona Soare arrived in Yerevan with three-day
    working visit.

    Chairman of the association of Armenian political science Hayk
    Kotanjyan and executive director of the Association Beniamin Poghosyan
    received the guests on Wednesday, the Association informs Armenian

    The two guests from Bucharest represented their goal of visit in the
    frameworks of the project of Elimination of Natural and Human
    Disasters in the Black Sea region and its restoration. Niculescu and
    Soare met representatives of several Armenian ministries and visited
    offices of international organizations on Thursday. They met
    representatives of Armenian NGOs on Friday.
