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The Man Who Would Be Israeli

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  • The Man Who Would Be Israeli

    Ilan Lior

    July 26, 2011

    Tobmas Glastian came to Israel to become a priest. But once he came
    out as gay and left the church, the Interior Ministry refused to
    grant him a visa to stay here.

    Tobmas Glastian wants to be an Israeli. "Everyone calls me Tomas,"
    he says, accepting the mispronunciation with understanding. He has
    lived here for almost half his life, all his friends are Israeli, and
    he speaks Hebrew almost at the same level as a native speaker. The
    truth is that he already feels Israeli in every way - and only the
    official document is missing.

    Glastian, 29, was born in Armenia. He arrived in Israel at the age of
    16 to study at the seminar of the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem,
    with the intention of becoming a priest. He studied there for three
    years until one day he decided to escape. He had understood he was
    a homosexual and wanted to come out of the closet.

    Glastian had not told anyone at the seminar about his sexual
    preference. He knew the church would consider it a terrible sin
    and would not accept him into its fold. At first, he informed only
    his parents in Armenia, but their response left him frightened and

    "My parents no longer wanted me. They said they would rather I die than
    go back home. That shut the door for me; I no longer have a family,"
    he says.

    Thus, Glastian was left completely alone at the age of 19. He hastened
    to leave Jerusalem in favor of Tel Aviv. He was scared to go back to
    conservative Armenia and, in fact, he admits, he had no reason to
    go there. Three years later, a long while after his visa to Israel
    had expired, he was unable to find work and decided to turn to the
    United Nations and ask for political asylum in Israel. As part of
    a routine process, he was granted the temporary status of an asylum
    seeker that has to be renewed every six months.

    "They don't even allow me to request permanent residency status," he
    says, adding that every time he raises the subject, he is told he has
    to undergo a comprehensive interview once more to get refugee status
    and only then will he be able to request permanent residency in Israel.

    "I don't have a problem with undergoing an interview again," he says.

    "They have been telling me for two and a half years already that I
    must go for the interview but they don't make an appointment for me.

    Every time I ask them, they say: 'Okay, we'll make an appointment
    and tell you to come,' but nothing moves."

    Meanwhile, Glastian heads off to the Interior Ministry's office every
    six months. "I wait there for three hours; they check here, they
    investigate there; and in the end, they tell them on the telephone:
    'Come on! Sign already.' They treat me there in a humiliating fashion;
    it's very offensive. Today, without bragging, I consider myself
    more Israeli than an Israeli. There is not a drop of Armenia in me
    any longer."

    A few months ago, Glastian turned to Knesset member Nitzan Horowitz
    of Meretz and requested his help. Horowitz sent him to attorney
    Dr Yuval Livnat from Tel Aviv University's Human Rights Clinic who
    deals with the rights of refugees, in the hope he would help to get
    matters solved. Judging by past experience, Livnat is not optimistic -
    on the contrary.

    No homosexual has so far been recognized as a refugee in Israel.

    According to the UN's Refugee Charter, a refugee is a person who
    is faced with a real threat of persecution in his homeland on the
    background of race, religion, nationality, political affiliation or
    belonging to a certain social group.

    "All the countries in the western world have determined that
    homosexuals and lesbians belonging to a certain social group, and
    therefore they can be considered refugees," says Livnat. "In the
    State of Israel, at the present moment, this is not yet so."

    Even if Glastian manages to create a precedent and becomes the first
    homosexual who is recognized as a refugee in Israel, he will still be
    far from having the permanent-resident status he so desires. Israel has
    never granted permanent residency to a refugee. "To my great regret,
    in Israel, even if you are recognized as a refugee, you remain a
    temporary resident forever," Livnat explains. "As of today, that is
    the unfortunate lot of all the refugees in Israel."

    Despite the difficulties, Glastian speaks admiringly of Israel. He
    feels this is his country. "I love this country. In my first interview
    at the UN, they asked me if I would prefer to go to another country
    and I didn't want to under any circumstances. But from time to time,
    I have the feeling that maybe I made a mistake and that perhaps it
    would have been better to go somewhere else where they absorb you
    immediately and they give you the opportunity to advance in life and
    not to remain stuck," he says.

    "Today, with all my love for Israel, I feel like I am stuck and this
    hurts me a great deal."

    According to the Interior Ministry: "Mr Tobmas Glastian entered Israel
    in 1998 on a tourist visa. After a number of years, he registered
    with the UN and submitted a request for political asylum, and it
    was decided to give him a temporary work permit until a decision was
    made in his case. His visa is a temporary one that is given for as
    long as the request is under consideration and it has to be renewed
    every few months. The visa makes it possible to work in Israel. His
    request is being examined by the population and migration authority."

    From: Baghdasarian