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ANKARA: H. Dink Murder Trial: Ogun Samast Sentenced To 22 Years In J

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  • ANKARA: H. Dink Murder Trial: Ogun Samast Sentenced To 22 Years In J

    July 25, 2011

    Detained defendant Ogun Samast was sentenced to imprisonment of 22
    years and ten months for the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist
    Hrant Dink.

    IÅ~_ıl CÄ°NMEN Istanbul - BÄ°A News Center25 July 2011, Monday Ogun
    Samast received a prison sentence of 22 years and ten months handed
    down by the Istanbul 2nd Juvenile Criminal Court for the murder of
    Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Dink was the founder and
    then editor-in-chief of the Armenian Agos newspaper. He was killed
    in front of his office in Istanbul on 19 January 2007.

    The prosecution had demanded prison terms of between 18 years and
    eight months and 26 years under allegations of premeditated murder
    and unlicensed possession of weapons. The Istanbul court decided for
    imprisonment of 21.5 years on charges of premeditated murder and an
    additional 16 months on charges of unlicensed possession of weapons.

    The defence lawyers seemed to be satisfied with the sentence remaining
    below the upper limit.

    The final hearing of the trial was decided on Monday (25 July).

    Defendant Samast put forward that he had been dragged towards crime
    as a result of poor education. He claimed that Yasin Hayal, accused of
    instigation to the Dink murder, exploited this situation and directed
    him accordingly. In his speech of defence, Samast also said that he
    had been influenced by some newspaper articles. He pointed to certain
    theories conveyed by the media at the time and stated that these
    writings made up 54 percent of the responsibility for the criminal
    act he committed.

    His speech of defence comprised a total of 44 pages. Samast's personal
    defence went over 29 pages; the remaining part included the defence
    speeches prepared by his two lawyers. Samast referred to German
    philosopher G.F.W. Hegel several times.

    The lawyers summarized the procedures and requested the rejection of
    the indictment and their client's acquittal.

    The defence lawyers have the right to appeal within seven days.

    Meanwhile, the trial against Ogun Samast under allegations of
    "membership to an illegal organization" is still pending.

    At the end of the hearing, Samast reacted to the court decision with
    a mixture of puzzlement and tension on his face. Defence lawyer Sebu
    Aslangil commented, "It suddenly dawned on him that he was convicted".

    From: Baghdasarian