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Amnesty Urges Turkey For Further Prosecution In Dink Case

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  • Amnesty Urges Turkey For Further Prosecution In Dink Case


    July 26th, 2011

    Dink's body in front of the Agos building

    LONDON--Amnesty International has again called on the Turkish
    authorities to investigate alleged collusion and negligence by state
    officials in the 2007 killing of journalist and human rights activist
    Hrant Dink, after one man was sentenced to nearly 23 years in prison
    for his murder.

    Ogun Samast was sentenced by an Istanbul Children's Court on Monday.

    He was initially given a life sentence but the term was commuted
    because he was a minor at the time of the murder. Eighteen other
    people are currently on trial for their involvement in the murder.

    "While the sentencing of Ogun Samast is welcome news, he is just one
    of the people responsible for Hrant Dink's murder. The authorities
    must investigate all the circumstances around his death and bring
    everyone responsible to justice, whatever their position of power,"
    said Andrew Gardner Amnesty International's expert on Turkey.

    "The murder of Hrant Dink came after he was prosecuted by the Turkish
    authorities for his writings on the identity of Turkish citizens of
    Armenian origin. His murder was apparently committed with the tacit
    agreement of elements within the Turkish law enforcement agencies.

    This cannot go unpunished."

    In September 2010, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the
    Turkish authorities had failed to act on information they received
    that could have prevented Hrant Dink's murder and had failed to
    investigate the role of state officials in his death.

    In June 2011, Colonel Ali Oz and seven other military personnel
    were convicted of negligence for their failure to relay information
    regarding the plot to kill Hrant Dink which could have prevented
    the murder.

    Hrant Dink, a Turkish citizen of Armenian origin, was killed on 19
    January 2007. The editor of the Agos newspaper and contributor to
    the influential daily Zaman, he was shot outside the Agos offices
    in Istanbul.

    In June 2011, death threats were made against Etyen Mahcupyan and
    Baskın Oran, both journalists at Agos newspaper. Similar threats
    have been made at various times since 2004 for which no one has been
    brought to justice.

    Hrant Dink was best known for being critical of the Turkish government
    over issues of Armenian identity and over official versions of history
    in Turkey relating to the massacres of Armenians in 1915. He was
    repeatedly prosecuted for expressing his opinions.

    In 2005, he was given a six-month suspended prison sentence for
    "denigrating Turkishness" in writings about the identity of Turkish
    citizens of Armenian origin.

    Others in Turkey have since been prosecuted, like Hrant Dink, under
    legislation that is used to prosecute dissenting opinions violating
    the right to freedom of expression.

    In March this year, eight journalists were arrested for being members
    of Ergenekon, an alleged ultra-nationalist network with links to the
    Turkish state.

    Two of the eight, Ahmet Å~^ık and Nedim Å~^ener are investigative
    journalists known for their work exposing human rights abuses by
    elements within state institutions. They remain in pre-trial detention
    awaiting trial for being members of a terrorist organization.

    "The Turkish authorities must take action to ensure that dissenting
    voices are not silenced by legislation or threats of violence," said
    Andrew Gardner. "The people of Turkey must be free to express their
    opinions without fear of death or imprisonment."
