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ANKARA: Turkey Strongly Condemns Sarksyan's 'Occupation' Remarks

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  • ANKARA: Turkey Strongly Condemns Sarksyan's 'Occupation' Remarks


    July 26, 2011

    Turkey has condemned Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan's speech in
    which he urged school children in capital Yerevan to occupy eastern

    A statement released by Turkish Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said
    Turkey strongly condemns a response of Sarksyan to a question about
    occupying eastern Turkey.

    Asked by a student at a literature contest ceremony if Armenians will
    be able to get back their what they call "western territories" together
    with Mount Ararat, Sarksyan said "this is the task of your generation."

    Armenians attach importance to Mt. Ararat on the eastern border of
    modern-day Turkey, around where they believe adopted Christianity in
    301 A.D.

    Sarksyan said his generation had fulfilled its task by "getting back"
    Karabakh, a part of what he called "our motherland from the enemy."

    Nagorno-Karabakh is an Azerbaijani territory which is currently under
    Armenian occupation. Both countries have met dozens of times to find a
    settlement to the decades-long conflict but failed to secure a peace
    agreement. Armenia occupies 20 percent of Azerbaijani territories,
    including seven adjacent provinces populated by ethnic Azerbaijanis.

    The statement said the primary duty of statesmen must be to prepare
    their societies, particularly youth, for a peaceful and prosperous

    Turkey said it is "very irresponsible behavior" to make recommendations
    to youth and future generation that could provoke animosity and
    ideology of hatred among nations.

    Turkey and Armenia made a failed attempt two years ago to bury a
    century of hostilities by signing twin protocols on normalization
    of relations and establishing diplomatic ties, which also included
    opening of the Turkish-Armenian borders in two months if the procotols
    get ratified in parliaments.

    The statement said at a time when peace attempts have intensified in
    the region, expressions that the Armenian president did not shunned
    to use signal that "he has no intention for peace."

    From: Baghdasarian