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The Road To America

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  • The Road To America

    Terri Hackett

    July 26, 2011

    David Doctorian knew God was leading him, he just didn't know where

    Macon, Mo - Seeing the big picture of ones life is not generally
    visible until we have aged, or enough time passes and circumstances
    become more clear. David Doctorian of Macon, now understands more
    about why situations happened in his life, and feels God was totally
    in control the entire time. With such a fascinating life, that was
    full of twists and turns, David's family felt he needed to write a
    book. So after giving it some thought and prayer...he did.

    David was born to Armenian parents who became orphans when they were
    young. His grandparents refused to convert to the Islamic religion and
    were executed for their faith during the Armenian Genocide. David's
    father, Paul, was rounded up with other women and children of the
    village and forced to walk through the Syrian Desert. A Turkish
    soldier recognized him as the son of a doctor who had cared for his
    own family and he was pulled from the group. After one bad situation
    to another he was taken to an orphanage in Beirut, Lebanon. David's
    mother experienced a similar story, also being rescued by a Turkish
    soldier and taken to the same orphanage as his father. There is where
    they met, grew up together and later married and lived in Beirut. They
    later moved to Tyre, along the Mediterranean Coast. The couple had
    four boys and two daughters.

    In David's book entitled, "My Life Journey - From the Streets of
    Jerusalem to the Halls of the Missouri Senate," he tells about
    having to drop out of school due to the lack of money, having an
    opportunity to go back to school thanks to a gentlemen that paid his
    way to the many experiences he had coming to America, and his life
    in a free country.

    He expresses numerous times how blessed he feels living in America,
    and the opportunities that are available for anyone.

    One of his greatest accomplishments he says is getting his entire
    family to America.

    He has acquired several college degrees, worked in politics for 14
    years, taught high school and college classes, and witnessed his
    children achieve their own personnel accomplishments, but remains
    humble knowing what things would have been like if he would have
    remained in the Middle East.

    He travels 40 miles one way to preach at the Plevna Christian Church
    and has done so since 1974.

    Today, David and his wife, Phyllis, still reside on their farm north
    of Macon. In June 2009, it was discovered David had a very large brain
    tumor. After a 5 1/2 hour operation the tumor was successfully removed,
    and chemotherapy and radiation treatments were not needed.

    The recent medical condition motivated David in writing his book for
    his children and grandchildren.

    "I love my adopted country, the United States of America," he writes.

    "I sincerely appreciate the freedoms and the opportunities the United
    States of America has given me since my arrival in New York Harbor
    on Oct. 17, 1954.

    David Doctorian's book, "My Life Journey - From the Streets of
    Jerusalem to the Halls of the Missouri Senate," may be found at Special
    Days in Macon and Admired Evergreen, located south of Kirksville on
    Hwy. 63.
