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ANKARA: Armenian, Azerbaijani Youth Hope For Peace And Positive Chan

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  • ANKARA: Armenian, Azerbaijani Youth Hope For Peace And Positive Chan


    Today's Zaman
    July 29, 2011

    During the last two weeks the most influential and brightest
    of Azerbaijani and Armenian youth came together in neighboring
    country Georgia, considered a neutral zone between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia, to discuss the decades-long conflict in the disputed area
    of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Brought together in the tourist city of Bakuriani by the
    Azerbaijani-Armenian Dialogue Program, both Azerbaijani and Armenian
    youths made a shared effort together to tear down the negative
    stereotypes in both societies by engaging in innovative dialogue
    activities and promoting different but cooperative views of the
    conflict and solutions for its resolution.

    The Azerbaijani-Armenian Dialogue Program, initiated by Armenian
    and Azerbaijani conflict resolution professionals and supported by
    the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation since 2007, is being
    facilitated by a US conflict transformation trainer experienced in
    running programs that create understanding and trust between youth
    from cultures in conflict.

    The most unusual and particularly interesting part of the program was
    bringing participants from both sides into historical discussions of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, so that both sides might easily talk about their
    own stories and narrations. This was, in fact, aimed at establishing
    a comprehensive environment for the sharing of historical facts,
    sometimes even realities that were unknown and unacceptable to one
    party while being true and irrevocable to the other party.

    The most captivating part of the dialogue was the personal stories told
    by participants who had either directly or indirectly experienced the
    atrocity of the Nagorno-Karabakh war, which resulted in the young
    people coming to realize the similarity of their feelings, pain,
    injuries and troubles.

    In having a chance to express their fears, concerns, needs and hopes,
    both publicly and in person, participants in this program challenged
    themselves to be much more objective and simultaneously constructive.

    Learning to be able to understand and respect the other side's truths
    despite feeling misunderstood and criticized was the one of the most
    appreciated and successful aspects of the dialogue.

    The dialogue program was "very open and constructive" says Sergey
    Movsisyan, 28, a representative of the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly
    Vanadzor Office. "Through the discussions it was very clear what the
    official government point of view is and what the point of view of
    ordinary citizens both in Armenia and Azerbaijan is," says Movsisyan.

    He considers the current stage of the conflict and society's prospects
    for conflict resolution very important and urges both governments to
    closely work with NGOs and members of their communities.

    Maryam Jabarova, 21, an Azerbaijani participant studying at Khazar
    University in Baku, says that she wanted to communicate with Armenian
    youth, as she needed to view the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict both
    from the Azerbaijani and from the Armenian perspective, and for now
    she feels satisfied, as she has got a comprehensive picture of the
    conflict after being able to personally compare both side's facts.

    "The most important thing is that I learned to listen and understand
    the other side ... even there were the facts that I could not
    agree with at all," she says, reiterating that "understanding is
    not agreeing."

    Nermin Nebiyeva, 24, a journalist and blogger from Azerbaijan who
    is an internally displaced person (IDP) from Zengilan, one of the
    occupied territories of Azerbaijan, considers this program important
    especially because of personal stories she has been witnessing since
    the program. "As a person who lost her relatives [and] the home where
    I first opened my eyes ... [who had] a childhood in damp, dark and
    endless refugee camps, I needed to face the people that I consider the
    sinners and culprits of what I had to live through all these years."

    Nebiyeva felt she needed this meeting in order to collapse the
    mountain of hatred inside herself, as she says she finds hatred much
    more natural than love. "Hatred is much more real and because of that
    it destroys the person. That's why I needed to get involved in this
    program, just for myself. Living with hatred that ties you to the past
    and does not let you go forward is very hard and feels like jumping
    into deep water with a stone tied to your feet," she says with tears
    in her eyes.

    Nebiyeva continues saying that in the beginning she was afraid of
    coming to the program thinking that emotions and feelings would
    overshadow the realities, causing the dialogue to fail; however she
    was faced with something different. "It was the opposite. Armenians
    and Azerbaijanis shared rooms and sat around the same table, giving me
    the belief that we could live together as we have lived for centuries.

    I understood that the war a war between states not people. No power
    can give back the loss that both sides have experienced." When asked
    if she has left a difficult past behind her, Nebiyeva responded with
    a deep sigh, "The past never leaves you, it is always in your dreams."

    Youth opinion on the legal status of Nagorno-Karabakh is different
    but interesting During the 10 days of workshops and individual talks,
    the Azerbaijani and Armenian youths discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict from both sides' perspectives, which resulted in the emergence
    of some very interesting insights.

    Sona Dilanyan, 18, a student of Middle Eastern studies at Yerevan
    State University, cares more about the lives of people living in
    Nagorno-Karabakh rather than territory itself. "If the Azerbaijani
    government could provide all the necessary conditions for quality of
    life, it would makes no difference for me whether Nagorno-Karabakh
    is part of Armenia or Azerbaijan." says Dilanyan. She believes that
    if the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh were not treated with
    hatred, she would be fine with Nagorno-Karabakh remaining within
    Azerbaijan, although she does believe that Azerbaijani government
    needs to reconsider its current policy.

    Veronika Aghajanyan, 23, a graduate student from the Budapest-based
    Central European University, sees the only possible solution to
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as recognizing the independence of
    Nagorno-Karabakh based on the will of its people through a referendum.

    Being totally against the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh apart from
    the Republic of Azerbaijan (as Aghajanyan puts it) Nebiyeva thinks
    that the last stage of the settlement of the conflict needs to be put
    to a referendum. However, Nebiyeva is concerned about the ongoing
    artificial boost in Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh. "My
    fear is of an orchestrated flow of Armenians and other people from
    different nationalities living in different parts of the world to
    Nagorno-Karabakh and its seven adjacent territories. The increasing
    Armenian population will place under threat the Azerbaijani citizens
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, who were substantially decreased after the war
    and dispersed and accommodated across Azerbaijan as IDPs. This would
    be especially so during a referendum which will make the Armenian
    population gain the majority of votes over Azerbaijani populations,"
    Nebiyeva says.

    Given the question about the legal status of Nagorno-Karabakh,
    Movsisyan said that in the event of an "ideally high status under
    which Armenians are legally protected I can consider it possible to
    see Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan." When it comes to current
    Azerbaijani domestic politics, meaning human rights violations and
    unequal treatment of the civilians, Movsisyan said he preferred not
    to talk about this topic.

    Sasun Khachatryan, 31, a journalism and media management student at
    the Tbilisi-based Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, in recognizing
    Nagorno-Karabakh as a de facto republic, rather than as a part of the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, calls on Azerbaijan to understand
    the status quo and make concessions in terms of the settlement of the
    conflict. "Azerbaijani society should realize that it has lost the
    war and should yield something in return for any compromise in regards
    to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This is reality.

    Otherwise being unwilling to make concessions and demanding only
    things beneficial for only Azerbaijan is pretty much unrealistic and
    will hardly ever come true," says Khachatryan.

    In the early 1990s, Nagorno-Karabakh (predominantly populated by
    ethnic Armenians) and seven adjacent regions (without any Armenian
    populations), which were an integral part of Azerbaijan, became
    occupied by neighboring country Armenia. Sixteen years of mediation
    by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
    Minsk Group has yielded no results and the possibility of military
    confrontation has been increasing more than ever. The point at
    which both sides become stuck is that Azerbaijan wants to recover
    its territorial integrity, which is currently under the control of
    Armenia, although Armenia demands Nagorno-Karabakh to be independent
    from Azerbaijan. The region has already become a showcase of border
    skirmishes, leaving dozens of dead each year from both from Azerbaijan
    and Armenia.
